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Release Notes

WSCAD Software


v7.3.0.20 – AI

Release Date: 2025-01-22

Improvements of WSCAD ELECTRIX AI Hotfix 2

The WSCAD ELECTRIX AI Hotfix 2 contains important fixes.
Note: The updates described here depend on the discipline and expansion level!

AI Copilot
Projects in a Network


  • When entering a file content in the properties of a document, it is immediately displayed in the Project Explorer and in the frame of the document.
  • If you import a project and assign a different project name, the content of the File content field is displayed correctly on the documents in the Project Explorer.
  • Changes to an open page are correctly applied to the subsequent printout.
  • When renumbering several selected pages using the Change page number dialog, all selected subpages are correctly converted to main pages, even if an existing page number is selected as the start page number.
  • The properties dialog of the individual placeholders can be opened correctly in the Placeholder Explorer.
  • In the Data Point Browser, all selected checkboxes can be activated or deactivated together using the space bar.
  • In the WSCAD settings, a different project directory can be specified under Directories, even if a different project language was previously selected under Language.
  • The strict mode of the Revision Management also works correctly for network projects. In this case, a page can only be edited if it has previously been unlocked via the context menu command Enabled for modification.
  • Special CE elements such as holes or blocked areas cannot be accidentally deleted if they have been marked with a frame. But the elements can be marked directly and then deleted.

AI Copilot

  • When opening a new project with the AI Copilot, all open pages are closed.

Projects in a Network

  • When a network project is open, the Symbol Explorer can be refreshed correctly.
  • If you want to print or export a document from a network project, only the document is preselected in the associated wizard and not the entire project.
  • The content of a page of a closed project can be correctly copied to the page of a network project.
  • If you copy several pages from one section to another in a structured network project (with Retain all structure identifiers when copying documents checkbox deactivated), the new structure identifiers are correctly transferred to the copied terminal strips.
  • The text size in all documents can also be changed correctly in a network project using the context menu command Functions | Change text size in the Project Explorer.
  • If you set a network path for the project directory in the WSCAD settings and the project file contains many and voluminous projects, these are read in and displayed in the Project Explorer more quickly.
  • Pages of a project that is not open can be opened in read only mode, as well as the pages of a locked project.
  • If a project in a network project group is open, the pages of the other projects in the group can no longer be opened in edit mode, but only in read-only mode.
  • After changing the working directory of a network project in the Rename project wizard, the project is correctly no longer locked.
  • In a network project, project pages can be translated correctly using the translation function, if the translations are available in the lexicon.


  • When importing a WSCAD part database into the Part Management, the parts contained can be filtered correctly.
  • Importing an Access MDB into the lexicon works correctly.
  • A project can be imported, even if the table is missing in the entered lexicon database.


  • With the PRO.FILE | Open from PRO.FILE menu command, a project backup of a previous WSCAD version can be imported correctly from PRO.FILE and opened in the Project Explorer.
  • If the material list is to be transferred to the PLM system, additional attributes (quantity, manufacturer, etc.) can now be added to the elements using the Output fields button in the WSCAD settings under PLM.
  • When importing a Siemens TIA AML file, the validation of this file is completed without IO error.
  • If no elements are available for the selected element type in the WAGO Smart Script Wizard, a corresponding message is displayed.

v7.3.0.19 – AI

Release Date: 2024-12-16

Improvements of WSCAD ELECTRIX AI Hotfix 1

The WSCAD ELECTRIX AI Hotfix 1 contains important fixes.
Note: The updates described here depend on the discipline and expansion level!

AI Copilot
Projects in a Network
Managers and Browsers
Lists and Charts
Import & Export
Part management


  • Open projects are highlighted in bold again.
  • If a cable is copied multiple times using Ctrl+D and the plus key, the ref. names of the cables are incremented correctly after pasting.
  • After copying a coil, no unnecessary ref. name is displayed on the contact comb.
  • The color for a highlighted element can be changed correctly in the WSCAD settings under View | Color elements | Other colors.
  • In the Electrical Engineering command bar, the Cable shield icon is only grayed out in the “Electrical Engineering 1Pol” discipline, but not in the “Electrical Engineering” discipline.
  • If the WSCAD login window is out of focus, it can be brought back to the foreground using the icon in the taskbar.
  • While the central database is being rebuilt, the cursor turns into a waiting symbol.
  • The context menu of a CE element can be called up with the right mouse button, even if the element is located on another CE element.
  • Saved macro sets can be opened correctly with the Project Wizard function Run the update macro set.

AI Copilot

  • In AI Copilot, texts can be cut, copied and pasted with the right mouse button.
  • The properties of a page (e.g. File name, Height, Width, Reference) can be called up with the AI Copilot.
  • If you want to create a material list in Excel format with the AI Copilot, the list can also be created with only the specified parameters (e.g. only with ref. name, part number and manufacturer).
  • When creating a new project with the AI Copilot, using one of the available structure templates is possible.
  • A project that was newly created with the AI Copilot can then be opened with the AI Copilot. The tree view of the project is expanded.
  • When creating a new project with the AI Copilot, the project name no longer contains any unnecessary special characters and the path to the specified template is detected correctly.

Projects in a Network

  • For an imported network project, the “Project page” placeholder in the frame displays the correct page number.
  • For a downloaded and locked network project, all elements on the pages are output during PDF export and printing.
  • If a project of a network project group is locked, not only the project but also the project group is marked with a dedicated symbol.
  • After copying a sub-section within a network project, the new aspects are displayed correctly in the document frames.
  • MDB databases can be successfully converted to SQLite databases in the WSCAD settings under Master data even if a network path is set as the data directory.
  • If you insert objects on the pages of a network project and then change the page numbering, the inserted objects are retained.
  • The cross-references in the exported PDF of a network project work correctly.

Manager and Browsers

  • In the Material Browser, the ref. names of cables in the single schematic diagram can also be correctly switched to invisible.
  • The measuring points are also displayed in the Measuring Point Manager for a network drive project.

Lists and Charts

  • Creating a material list in ASCII output format is possible again.
  • When generating the material list, the data of additional parts and combined parts, such as part number and component name, isoutput correctly.
  • Via the main menu Report | Pipe list, the wizard for creating the pipe list opens and not the wizard for the measuring point list.

Import & Export

  • In the DWG import wizard, the scale field with the icons is no longer shifted downwards.
  • In the exported PDF, cross-references appear in the single-line diagram as shown in the schematic.
  • All languages of the lexicon can be exported correctly to a xlsx file.
  • If action lines between contacts are not displayed in the plan, they are also not displayed in the PDF or when printing.

Part management

  • During the import of a SQLite part database via the part management, the filters can be applied correctly.
  • After importing and converting an Access part database, all digits after the decimal point are transferred correctly for numerical values.


  • When exporting to Steinhauer PWA, the csv file is generated again in addition to the dxf file.

v7.3.0.16 – AI

Release Date: 2024-11-18

New features of WSCAD ELECTRIX AI

WSCAD ELECTRIX AI contains numerous innovations and improvements. These are listed on this page and, where possible, linked to the relevant topic.
Note: The updates described here depend on the discipline and expansion level!

Structure Identifier
Contact Combs
Explorer and Editors
Managers and Browsers
Lists and Charts
Import & Export
Part management
Settings (Options)
CE module (Cabinet Engineering)
BA module (Building Automation)
EI module (Electrical Installation)
Add-On Project Wizard


  • With the introduction of the AI Copilot, you can now also benefit from artificial intelligence and create your projects more easily and efficiently. You can ask the AI copilot questions but also give specific instructions that will be executed immediately.
  • In order to become independent of Microsoft Access, the WSCAD databases were converted from Access to SQLite (version 3.40.0), because Microsoft is discontinuing Access support by October 2026. An import of access databases is still supported in many cases.
  • If the projects are located on a network drive, important project data is transferred to the local PC when the projects are opened. This makes the processing of the projects much faster. Open projects are blocked for other users and are specially marked in the Project Explorer . When they are uploaded to the network drive, they are released again.
  • Macros can now be created and edited more easily and quickly. For this purpose, several macro areas are created in a special macro template project. All symbols within a range are combined into a macro and saved as a macro. A symbol or part exchange via several macros or the editing of similar macros is therefore much easier.
  • In the 1-pole diagram you can place cables and cable screens. Using the context menu command Cable Destination you can change the cable orientation from the bottom (Standard) to the top. The placed cables are also evaluated in the cable list.
  • When creating the list of materials, you can search directly for the symbol data (ref. name, manufacturer, function text…) filter and create several filters for this and combine them with each other.
  • A filter has been added to the checklist that allows you to filter by the errors of the document displayed in the workspace or of a single discipline.
  • All part data of the WSCAD part database can be exported and imported again in the formats SQLite, Excel, CSV and XML. Thus, mass processing of the part data with an external tool is now possible.
  • New symbols for the rails and connection adapters are available for the display of busbars in the circuit diagram (new library “Rails and comb bridges”). These symbols can have both wire and rail connections. The new connector type “busbar” has been added for this purpose. This connection type can be connected automatically, but is not taken into account in the routing and wiring diagram.
  • When assigning connection attributes, the properties dialog is now displayed first and then you can place the entered connection attributes on one or several connections in a row.
  • For the material list, the equipment list, the cable list and the wiring diagram, new placeholders have been added for the description and comment of areas with structure identifiers. You can now display the description and comment specifically for all project levels or project aspects in the lists.
  • The new placeholders “Manufacturer”, “Internal device manufacturer” and “External device manufacturer” have been added to the cable list.
  • For the wiring diagram, the two new placeholders “Slingshot device internal” and “Slingshot device external” have been added. This makes it possible to display in the wiring diagram which stop means is used for the individual wires. The sling is selected in the symbol editor in the connection properties of the CE symbol.
  • You can enter the path to the Weidmüller printer tool M-Print PRO under Tools | Settings (Options) | Interfaces. Thus, you can install the tool once on a network server and simply enter the network path here.
  • The program interface is also available in the Chinese language. The accompanying data (symbols, macros, directory names…) are English.
  • The Project Wizard Add-On is now available in two different versions, namely Project Wizard Lite and Project Wizard Expert.


  • In the Quick search, you can search not only for macros, but also for macro variants.
  • The properties of all marked connections can be correctly changed via Modify | Object Properties | Connections.
  • After copying and pasting grouped symbols, the symbols remain grouped.
  • After changing the part of an EE symbol, all existing database fields in the associated infolink are automatically updated.
  • In the properties dialog of an EE symbol, additional parts cannot be deleted as long as they are placed in another discipline.
  • When pasting copied elements with additional parts, the ref. names of the additional parts are also incremented correctly.
  • In the post-processing panel of a translation, the same text of the key language can also be entered in the other language columns. The message that the text already exists is no longer displayed.
  • In the properties dialog of a dimension line, the arrow size can be changed without changing the font size of the dimension text.
  • The placement, deletion and re-placement of macros with terminal blocks works correctly within one page and also over several pages.
  • With the Edit | Alignment objects | Place with distance function, the order of the selected objects is retained.
  • If you right-click on the intersection of a connection and a cable line, the context menu for the cable core is displayed.
  • When creating wire names, an empty value “” can also be entered in the Filter Formula Wizard dialog.
  • The Copy format function also works for all symbols that can be handled with a manager, e.g. terminals, connectors, cable cores.
  • When changing the object properties of several PI-Medium connection lines (callable via Change | Object properties | Media) can be used in the dialogue Editing Connections all columns are shown and hidden correctly.
  • When placing a PLC child element via the command bar, the component name remains visible.
  • When placing an auxiliary contact via the command bar, the cross-reference to the coil is displayed correctly.
  • The consecutive numbering of measuring points in the Measuring Point Manager works correctly.
  • Symbols can also be moved on undocked pages using the arrow keys.


  • The process of inserting a copied BA page with info links has been significantly accelerated, even if more than 100 new BA pages are created in the process.
  • In the Project Wizard, the table with the macros is rebuilt much faster after changes, especially if the table contains a large number of macros.


  • In the Create Project dialog, the Multilingual Edit button is visible again next to the project name.
  • If the order of the aspects is changed when creating a new project with the 04 structure template, this order is applied correctly.
  • Sub-projects can be copied correctly and pasted into another section.
  • If subprojects (subareas) contain special characters in the name, they are replaced by underscores in the path of the target file when creating evaluations.

Structure Identifier

  • The structure identifiers on the cross-references are displayed as they are defined in the WSCAD settings under Cross-references in the table.
  • When copying multiple structural areas, the reference names of the areas are copied correctly.
  • When copying a structure area including symbols to another page, the structure identifiers of the area are transferred correctly.

Contact Combs

  • In the Edit/expand contactor dialog, the single contacts can be added to the contact comb immediately without having to create a sub-element first.
  • With the Restore combs function, correctly assembled contact combs are retained and not torn apart.
  • Texts on and in symbols are correctly aligned within the text frames, e.g. the contact numbers for contact combs.
  • Multiple selected contacts can be cut and pasted correctly.

Explorer and Editors

  • Pages that are opened via cross-references are also highlighted in bold in the Project Explorer.
  • If you edit the filter text in the Edit filter dialog in the Project Explorer, the projects are filtered and displayed correctly according to the changed text.
  • When sorting the projects in the Project Explorer by date using the Sorting context menu command, all copied projects are also sorted correctly.
  • If you change the of a cable that is also used in other disciplines, the discipline icons are correctly adopted for the cable in the Material Explorer.
  • In the Quick Editor, if you enter an part number that is not in the part database, the manufacturer entry remains.
  • In the Symbol Editor, all menu entries are under Insert | Dimension correctly greyed out.

Manager and Browsers

  • If you jump to a symbol via one of the managers, the technology cross-reference can then be carried out correctly at the symbol.
  • If changes to a terminal are saved in the Terminal Manager browser, the associated terminal strip remains open in the terminal list on the left.
  • If you change a value in the first row of the table in the terminal manager’s browser, the values of all the other cells remain unchanged when you save them by clicking the Apply button.
  • If you move sub-elements from an existing main element to a newly created main element in the PLC Manager, the reference names of the sub-elements are adjusted correctly after placement.
  • In the Connection Manager, the Create Counterpart context menu command works correctly for both pin and socket contacts.
  • With the Parent/Child Manager, additional copied child elements can be correctly assigned to the parent element and then placed.

Lists and Charts

  • If you use placeholders from several placeholder folders when outputting a cable list to Excel, all placeholders are filled correctly in the Excel file.
  • If the Part data from database check box is activated when generating the material list, the manufacturer entry is no longer overwritten with the manufacturer of the main part for manually added additional parts.
  • When creating a new project, the folder for the piping list is created correctly and displayed in the project explorer.
  • Copying and pasting a range of structure identifiers that contains function lists to another range of structure identifiers works correctly.

Import & Export

  • The EPLAN service export has added a Comment field to the contact details so that a message can be sent to the WSCAD Digi-Service together with the project.
  • If the Selected area radio button is activated in the print dialog, the print area can be correctly selected using the Change area button.
  • In the print dialog, under Printer all installed printers can be selected via the drop-down list.
  • The layer settings of an imported DWG can be changed at various points in the WSCAD software. The changes are applied and displayed correctly at all points.

Part management

  • Parts that have been deleted from the part database and then re-imported are displayed in the “New” column during the part import and not in the “Changed” column.
  • If you change the part manually in the properties dialog of a symbol, the part data is stored correctly in the symbol.
  • In the part management, in the menu Tools | Part menu entry Disconnect and Unblock all connections execute correctly. The Connections to the symbols of the selected disciplines are correctly disconnected.

Settings (Options)

  • In the WSCAD settings, the option Use Double Sleeve has been moved from the menu item Evaluation | Manufacturing to Cabinet | Routing. Thus, the menu entry could Manufacturing completely deleted, because there were no other settings there.
  • The cross-references are displayed on the elements as they are in the table in the WSCAD settings under Cross reference are fixed.
  • In the WSCAD settings, under Master data | Dictionary removed the possibility to specify an XML file as a Dictionary, as this cannot be supported by the software.
  • Is displayed in the WSCAD settings under Directory if the path for the macros is set outside the working directory, the path for the Project Wizard macros can also be correctly adapted to this directory.
  • The text color of the symbol name and also the color of the wire lines can be correctly overridden and also undone again in the WSCAD settings under Display | Colors Elements.
  • In the WSCAD settings under PLM, the checkbox Transfer material list to the PLM system is application-specific (A). In a network installation, clients with admin rights can change this setting.


  • With PHOENIX CONTACT PROJECT complete marking, the export of cables is also possible without a cabinet page in the project.
  • With the PHOENIX CONTACT PROJECT complete planning export to the Phoenix Tool with version number 2.4.5944 or higher, the ref. names of the terminal strips are output correctly again.
  • During the Siemens TIA import, the symbol text of PLC channels is correctly assigned and also correctly exported again.

CE module (Cabinet Engineering)

  • If you place a structure area over elements on a cabinet page, the ref. name of the elements are updated and displayed correctly.
  • If the length of a cable duct, a DIN rail or a busbar is entered using the Tab key when placing, the element is placed correctly.
  • The Z-spacings of CE elements are evaluated correctly and the elements are displayed in the correct order.
  • When moving a CE element, the move points remain on the element, even if the element is moved several times in succession.
  • After inserting a cabinet cover, the underlying elements are no longer visible, only the ref. names and the connections.

BA module (Building Automation)

  • In BA Project the automation schemes are displayed correctly in the preview window.
  • Medium connection lines are correctly interrupted at the symbol.
  • A cable can only be assigned to one BA symbol as a connected cable and not to multiple BA symbols.
  • If the Common total ON checkbox is activated for data points in the BA Datapoints dialog, the sum is displayed correctly in the info links.
  • If the Priority operating level checkbox is deactivated for data points in the BA Datapoints dialog, the changes are transferred correctly to the info links.
  • In the properties dialog of a BA symbol, the column sequence can be changed under the Cable menu item.

EI module (Electrical Installation)

  • All walls on EI pages are output correctly with black and white setting during DWG export.
  • Even after placing a laying system, the user-defined line pattern assigned to the system is displayed correctly.

Add-On Project Wizard

  • If the same macro is used in the Project Wizard for the creation of several BA pages, the ref. name of the symbols on the BA pages are counted up correctly after generation.

v7.2.0.48 – ROCKET Update 2

Release Date: 2024-09-03

Additional to version, the following improvements have been added:

  • When scrolling between the project pages, the content of the placed text containers is updated correctly.
  • Material lists in areas with a substructure are filled correctly.
  • When placing a symbol via the Material Explorer, the technology cross-reference remains visible on the symbol, even after it has been deleted and placed again.
  • With the two new brush icons in the Settings (Options) command bar, the connection attribute settings for visibility can be transferred correctly from one connection to another.
  • In the properties dialog of a coil contact, the incorrectly displayed menu item Additional parts was deleted.
  • On a CE page, the alignment of the selected ref. names can be correctly changed and displayed via the main menu command Edit | Intelligent selection | Ref. name.
  • If you set a US size in the properties dialog of a cabinet page under Sheet | Paper size, the size of the dimension texts is retained.
  • The connection attribute texts can be moved correctly on FE pages.
  • If a separate Excel template containing web links is used when generating a report, these links are retained in the Excel file after generation.
  • When printing and exporting to PDF, both the action lines to contacts and the line patterns of structure areas are output correctly and all PI medium connection lines are correctly rounded off at the corners.
  • Overlaying macros are output correctly in the Project Wizard.
  • If the PHOENIX CONTACT PROJECT complete marking/MARKING system export wizard finds duplicate symbols on the pages, these are listed in an error message. An export is prevented.
  • When PHOENIX CONTACT PROJECT complete marking/MARKING system exports to the Wire Marking Application Center, the structure identifiers are entered correctly in the Excel file output.
  • A problem with user-defined variables has been solved for the Automation Interface.

v7.2.0.46 – ROCKET Update 2

Release Date: 2024-07-25

Additional to version, the following improvements have been added:

  • In the cross-references, the settings for the display of the STID and for the separator before the sheet number are correctly evaluated and displayed.
  • Once a symbol has been placed, the technology cross-references are immediately displayed on all other associated symbols in the other technologies.
  • Free cross-references work correctly, even if they are executed several times in succession.
  • If the auto-connect function is activated (e.g. via the F10 key), symbols are automatically connected to existing connections. Copied symbols are connected to the same connections as the original symbol when they are pasted (also with multiple pasting).
  • No special characters can be entered in folder names in the Macro Explorer.
  • In the Quick Editor, changes to the ref. names are correctly transferred to the plan when the manager is deactivated.
  • A problem with the conversion of the DWG files into WSCAD format has been fixed for multiple the DXF/DWG import.
  • All layers of an embedded DWG are listed correctly in the layer dialog and the set visibility of the layers is processed correctly after closing the dialog.
  • With the Retouch function, the imported PDF is displayed correctly and the content can be enlarged and reduced without delay.
  • On CE pages, the routing lines are correctly connected to the pins of the elements, even when zooming in and out of the page or when switching between CE pages.
  • When inserting a standard text for tables on CE pages, the content is aligned as set, even if the scale of the page was previously changed.
  • Cutting (Ctrl+X) and pasting (Ctrl+V) symbols also works correctly on FE pages.
  • When changing the macro path in the WSCAD settings under Directories, the macros saved there are displayed correctly in the Macro Explorer after clicking on the Refresh button.
  • If the Use double sockets checkbox is activated in the WSCAD settings under Reporting | Production, the cabinet data can be output correctly for the nVent HOFFMAN (Steinhauer) PWA wiring machines after successful routing.
  • If the Use proxy server checkbox is activated in the WSCAD settings under Internet, but neither proxy settings are entered nor the Use Windows settings checkbox is activated, the WSCAD software will still start correctly.
  • In the Compact version, all output formats are available again when generating the material list.
  • With the Automation Interface, the PDF export and the image export of the project work correctly.

v7.2.0.45 – ROCKET Update 2

Release Date: 2024-07-01

Additional to version, the following improvements have been added:

  • The same macro can be placed correctly in succession on different pages.
  • The length of a DIN rail with already placed elements can be changed correctly.
  • The line styles defined for the BA and PID medium connection lines (e.g. color) are displayed correctly in the schemes.
  • In the “Settings (Options)” command bar, the symbol settings can be correctly transferred between symbols of the same type using the two brush icons.
  • Text changes in the Quick Editor are saved successfully, even if you switch to other pages using the Page Up and Page Down buttons.
  • If the color of bridge lines is changed, the new color is displayed correctly in the schemes.
  • If contacts from different contactors are aligned horizontally, the ref. names can be hidden at the contacts without auto-drawing action lines between the contacts.
  • After a multilingual PDF export, the content of documents in the open project is displayed sharply again and the mouse works correctly.
  • After placing a riser in the installation plan, the position is immediately marked with a symbol, not only after closing and reopening the page.
  • If a proxy server is specified in the WSCAD settings for Internet access, all available licenses are displayed correctly when the WSCAD software is started.
  • With the PRO.FILE interface, projects from PRO.FILE Version 10 can be opened correctly in the WSCAD software.

v7.2.0.43 – ROCKET Update 2

Release Date: 2024-06-10

Improvements to WSCAD ELECTRIX ROCKET Update 2

The second WSCAD ELECTRIX ROCKET update contains numerous improvements and fixes. These are listed on this page and, where possible, linked to the relevant topic.
Note: The updates described here depend on the discipline and expansion level!

Lists and Charts
Explorer and Editors
Managers and Browsers
Import and Export
CE module (Cabinet Engineering)
BA module (Building Automation)
EI module (Electrical Installation)
Add-On Project Wizard


  • Under Insert | Dimensioning | Chain dimensions the existing function has also been introduced for all other disciplines. The new Increase dimensioning function allows you to insert a dimension line whose individual sections are aligned with a base line and added up.
  • When generating an evaluation, you can export the data to your own Excel template (*.xlsx). The columns of the Excel table are filled with the fields you have defined in the order you have selected.
  • One or more open pages are highlighted in bold in the Project Explorer.
  • You can create individual column configurations in the Quick Editor, Material Browser and Project Wizard.
  • Formats such as size, color and text visibility can be transferred from one symbol to other symbols of the same type via the Settings (Options) command bar using the two new brush icons.
  • When renumbering several selected pages, you can convert selected subpages into main pages in the Change page number dialog.
  • The free cross-references have similar setting options as the technology cross-references. For this purpose, in the WSCAD settings under Cross reference the new menu entry Free cross-reference. In addition, a line Technology Cross-reference has been added to the general cross-reference settings. This also allows you to set the display of aspects in the technology cross-references.
  • When inserting auxiliary lines, kinks and cut-off points, the command is now executed first and then the position is defined. The changed procedure also applies when setting a riser or a base point in the installation plan.
  • If you place terminals, cables or plugs on connections, the corresponding symbols are now displayed in red on the connections in addition to the red line. The ref. name is visible without a number only on the first connection.
  • In the Material Explorer, several selected elements can be deleted simultaneously with the Delete button. It does not matter which fields of the elements are marked.
  • A selection other than that stored in the part can now also be assigned to a symbol. After updating the data points, all data points assigned to the selection are taken over. Manually added data points are retained.
  • With the new menu command Interface | PHOENIX CONTACT | clipx WIRE assist, the control cabinet wiring data can be exported to a special PHOENIX template for the clipx WIRE assist software.
  • When exporting PHOENIX PROJECT complete marking to the Wire Marking Application Center, a csv file for the PROJECT complete marking software is output in addition to the xlsx file.
  • For the OpenPDM interface, the placeholders PLM ID, PLM Revision and PLM Iteration have been added for example for frames and cover sheets. All three placeholders are displayed in the properties of the project.
  • The new menu command Remove from Explorer has been added to the context menu of a closed project. This only removes the project from the Project Explorer, but does not delete it from the project directory. The Remove from list button has been removed from the Delete a project dialog.
  • When zooming in, zooming out and moving the entire page, the cursor shows the action performed (e.g. zoom symbol or hand symbol). In addition, corresponding information texts are displayed in the status bar.
  • For Multi-level Terminals, the number of possible levels has been increased from 10 to 50 in the Terminal Manager browser.
  • In the assembly pattern, the maximum values of 100 mm for the X / Y coordinates of Boreholes / Threads and for the distance between them were eliminated. There is no longer an upper limit.
  • The program interface can be switched to the Korean language.


  • All additional information created under Tools | Settings (Options) | Project | Preferences will be applied correctly together with the values entered for a newly created project.
  • With the Swap symbol function, the symbol name is swapped, but the part stored in the symbol and the set visibility of the texts on the symbol are retained.
  • In the Customize toolbar dialog, the key combination for a command can be correctly assigned using the Properties button.
  • Macros are placed exactly at the cursor position and are not automatically aligned with existing guides.
  • When macros are deleted, also the structure areas contained in the macros are deleted correctly.
  • Multiple Copy and Paste with Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V works correctly.
  • The multiple insertion of selected elements with Ctrl+D and the Plus key has been accelerated.
  • The undo function can be executed correctly, even if another document is opened in addition.
  • If you undo a text move, the original position is displayed and saved correctly.
  • The text alignment of placeholders in info links is applied correctly.
  • The changes remain saved correctly for all texts that have been changed with “Search and replace”.
  • In the results list of a search over the current project, entries of the type “Group” can also be accessed correctly.
  • The fill patterns can be correctly assigned to graphic elements.
  • Changes to the automatic comb positioning in the properties dialog of a coil are immediately transferred to the contact comb.
  • If a comb is switched to invisible, the comb line between the contacts also becomes invisible.
  • If a contact comb is arranged vertically, the cross-references on its contacts jump to the correct contacts in the schematic.
  • If the additional Lexicon window is activated, the content is listed correctly even after restarting the WSCAD software.
  • In the properties dialog of a PI-Medium connection line, the attributes can be correctly made visible and invisible, as well as in the properties dialog of the attribute.
  • PI symbols can be rotated with the space bar and placed in this position correctly.


  • If you copy pages from another project with a cable and a cable duplicate (same ref. name), the cable and the cable duplicate again have the same ref. name after the copying process.
  • If you make the manufacturer visible in the properties dialog of a cable conductor, the field can then be pushed correctly.
  • After copying and pasting an EE page, all contained cable duplicates are also correctly incremented. If you delete the duplicate cable on the copied page, the original is retained.

Lists and Charts

  • In the wiring chart, the structure placeholders structure identifier device internal “++” (Installation site) and structure identifier device external “==” (Functional assignment) are filled correctly.
  • When exporting a material list to an XML file, the complete structure of the project and its sub-projects is always mapped in the file – even if the elements are placed in sub-projects whose higher-level sub-projects do not contain any pages.
  • After importing a project with a new path/filename, the old path/filename is automatically changed to the new path/filename in all report wizards.

Explorer and Editors

  • If you rotate the page by 90 degrees in one of the editors, the working area is also rotated and the horizontal and vertical paths are adjusted to the page dimensions.
  • After loading a symbol into the symbol editor, the symbol and menu tree are displayed correctly divided.
  • In the symbol editor, horizontal and vertical guides can be set and deleted again with “Ctrl and Minus key” and “Ctrl and < key”.
  • In the symbol editor, the context menu command Rotate 90° has been removed for a connection that has already been placed, as the connection can only be rotated when it is placed.
  • If you move a connection number in the Symbol Editor, the changes are immediately visible in the Symbol Editor.
  • After entering text in the Quick Editor, you can press the Enter key to jump to the next line and enter text there again directly.

Managers and Browsers

  • If you change the wire numbers in the Cable Manager browser, these are also displayed correctly in the cable duplicate.
  • When defining multi-level terminals in the terminal manager browser, the TPN (Terminal position number) is counted up correctly.

Import and Export

  • When importing and exporting extensive data, the PC remains usable as the entire PC is no longer utilized.
  • If you import a DWG file when creating a new page using the New page from DXF/DWG function, the preview is displayed correctly and the scale set in the preview is correctly transferred to the properties of the page.
  • The layer settings of an imported DWG are retained even after closing and reopening the page.
  • If a referenced DWG is not found when opening a page, a message appears that you can delete the link. Otherwise, the page is opened without the linked DWG, but the link is retained. The DWG can be reassigned in the properties dialog of the page.
  • If the project directory is changed to a network directory in the WSCAD settings, the new target path is automatically adopted correctly during PDF export dialog.
  • A selected area can be printed correctly, regardless of whether the area is selected first or initially in the Print project dialog.
  • If the frame is not selected when printing a selected area, it will not be printed either.
  • Text fields within the frame appear correctly positioned in the PDF file.


  • If the User Management is activated, the rights of the users are correctly evaluated based on the associated user groups.
  • When the Revision Management is activated, pages that have only been opened but not changed are not displayed in the current change status.


  • The Weidmüller M-Print PRO export also supports special characters in the file names of the WSCAD export schemas (*.wsPKL) and the M-Print import scripts (*.mis).
  • The PHOENIX PROJECT complete marking export can also be carried out if a network directory has been selected for the data directory in the WSCAD settings.
  • For the PHOENIX CONTACT wizards PROJECT complete marking, MARKING system and Wire Assist, the sorting is applied correctly when exporting the wires. In addition the unit for the outer diameter was added to the Excel files.
  • With the Wago Smart Script export, only one label is exported per cable under “Cable labeling”. Under “Wire labeling”, one label for the source and one label for the destination, including the connection numbers, are exported for each wire.
  • For the Siemens TIA export, “InternalElements” are also assigned an ID in the aml file. Only the file name is displayed as the “FileName” for the CAEX tag and not the absolute path.

CE module (Cabinet Engineering)

  • If an accessory element is placed on the corresponding parent element on an enclosure side, the snap-on point of the accessory element is placed directly on the accessory point of the parent element when the installation aid is switched on. For this purpose, the snap-on point of the accessory element must lie within the parent element.
  • Sub-elements (additional parts) can also be placed directly on the parent element in the control cabinet with the installation aid switched on.
  • With the Move with function, the DIN rail and all elements placed there are moved.
  • On Cabinet pages, all graphic elements of a symbol are displayed correctly. If the symbol is loaded into the Symbol Editor, the graphic elements can be edited correctly.
  • On cabinet pages, the Z-axis values of graphical elements are correctly evaluated and displayed correctly overlaid.
  • If you change the terminal numbers of a multi-level terminal in the Terminal Manager browser, the change is immediately displayed on the CE page.
  • If you delete a terminal strip in the Terminal Manager, the associated connections are not taken into account during routing and are removed from the CE page.
  • If CE elements are rotated or moved in the control cabinet, these elements are also displayed correctly in the 3D view, not only after the view has been updated.
  • The colors in the 3D view of the control cabinet are displayed in the correct brightness again.
  • The preview of the 3D model of part in the “3D Properties” dialog is displayed in the correct size.

BA module (Building Automation)

  • The sort sequence for the placeholder Extended comment target component has been changed from “Structure + GA object name + function text” to “Structure + function text + GA object name”. The placeholder can be selected in the WSCAD settings under Symbol | PLC Special Texts in the comment in the BA Base Objects column. If a data point is then assigned to a channel in the PLC manager, the text is displayed as a comment both there and in the PLC child element on the page.
  • When changing the function Updating data points/Infolinks if the link symbol (information frame) is off, the new information frame is displayed correctly on the page.

EI module (Electrical Installation)

  • After installing a riser, the laying systems can be correctly connected to each other across all floors.
  • When deleting a laying system, the connection points to the symbols are also deleted correctly.
  • In the properties dialog of a distributor, the ref.names of the elements to which the cables are connected are displayed correctly in the list of available cables in the Cables menu item.
  • When scaling an EI symbol with the S and Shift+S keys, the page content is correctly not reloaded each time.

Add-On Project Wizard

  • After generating a project with the Project Wizard, the ref. names of BA symbols are correctly non automatically incremented.
  • Subpages can be created in the Project Wizard’s project window, e.g. by renaming page 2 to 2.a.
  • When inserting macros into the Project Wizard project window, the pages are counted up correctly.
  • When generating macros with the Project Wizard, the symbol names from the assigned parts are correctly transferred to the symbols.

v7.2.0.32 – ROCKET Update 1

Release Date: 2024-02-26

Additional to version, the following improvements have been added:

  • Technology cross-references jump to the right place again.
  • Cross-references between parent and child elements are displayed correctly on the elements and jump to the correct element.
  • All cross-references work correctly, even when scrolling through the pages with the PgUp and PgDown keys.
  • A termination point symbol placed on a FE page is visible immediately after placement, not only after closing and reopening the page.
  • The M-Print import script can be correctly selected for the Weidmüller M-Print PRO output.
  • When checking a project into the PLM system, the project can also be added correctly as a DXF output.

v7.2.0.30 – ROCKET Update 1

Release Date: 2024-02-08

Improvements to WSCAD ELECTRIX ROCKET Update 1

The first WSCAD ELECTRIX ROCKET update contains numerous improvements and fixes. These are listed on this page and, where possible, linked to the relevant topic.
Note: The updates described here depend on the discipline and expansion level!

Explorers and Editors
Part Management
Revision Management
Lists and Charts
Import & Export
CE module (Cabinet Engineering)
BA module (Building Automation)
EI module (Electrical Installation)


  • In the PI discipline, it is now also possible to automatically connect the PI symbols instead of manually inserting the medium connection lines. For the predefined connections, you can also add the values for material, diameter and pressure in addition to the medium.
  • In order to be able to change the properties of several medium connection lines created with auto-connection, the Medium menu item has been added under Edit | Object properties. The Edit connections dialog opens, in which all selected connection lines created with auto-connection are listed and can be edited.
  • For the PI discipline, the new “Pipe plan” evaluation was introduced on the basis of the wiring plan. The automatically created medium connection lines between the symbols are evaluated.
  • Additional variables have been added to the existing, incrementing macro variables for the Project Wizard. The Project Wizard recognizes the upper and lower case of macro variables. A macro can contain the variables <T1> and <t1>, for example.
  • PROSTEP’s OpenPDM Connector is now supported so that data can be exchanged with as many PLM systems as possible. This requires the “OpenPDM Connect” Add-On.
  • With the PHOENIX PROJECT complete marking export, the data of all wires that are routed on the cabinet pages can now be output for the PHOENIX Wire Marking Application Center, e.g. the wire length.
  • Additional languages can now be selected for the PHOENIX PROJECT complete marking export. All languages into which the project is translated are displayed.
  • The output to Kiesling/Perforex has been extended by additional output files (PRP, PBT, PVB, PKB) in addition to the PPR file.


  • If you copy a Master-Slave symbol group, the cross-references for the copied slave symbols jump to the copied master symbol.
  • If a cable is copied, the unused wires are also copied.
  • If the structure identifiers of the page are changed in the properties dialog of a page, they are correctly transferred to the elements placed on the page.
  • If you change the WSCAD settings under Project | Pre-settings or create new user-defined project attributes, these are listed correctly in the properties dialog of the project under Additional information after creating a new project. However, user-defined project attributes must be activated in the WSCAD settings for this purpose.
  • If the Restore comb retains old position checkbox is deactivated under Tools | Settings (options) | Display | Contact comb and contacts are added to the contact comb of a coil, the position of the comb is correctly retained and is no longer placed directly over the coil.
  • A page macro can be created correctly from a selection of elements, even if the alignment of the texts has been changed beforehand.
  • The text search via the Search and Replace dialog provides a list of results. When you click on a hit, the corresponding document is opened and the location is displayed with a pin.
  • Moving elements on large FE pages has been accelerated by 100%.
  • Line cross-references, which are created in two lines, work correctly.
  • Additional articles manually added to symbols can be found in the properties dialog of the symbols under Additional articles will be deleted as long as they have not yet been placed on the page.
  • When renaming a project, special characters entered in the project name are converted to underscores.
  • Even with a floating drawing area, the keyboard commands work correctly.
  • If tabs are stored on a second monitor without anchoring, they remain on the second monitor even after the software has been restarted.


  • Some errors in connection with the page refresh after actions such as copying, moving and renumbering of elements as well as when undoing these actions have been fixed.
  • A three-line function text of a PLC Child element is displayed correctly in 3 lines again.
  • Using the function Restoring combs if the contact combs are switched to be invisible, they will remain invisible.
  • If a symbol with connection numbers is rotated several times when placing it using the space bar, the connection numbers are always rotated correctly.
  • The mouse can be moved smoothly even with large zoom levels and the superimposed grid.
  • In the properties dialog of an EE symbol, the symbol is displayed in the maximum possible size in the preview under Connections.
  • The copying and pasting of a selection including a cable via Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V works correctly. The sorting of the unused wires is also retained.

Explorers and Editors

  • When importing new material via the material explorer, elements with the same can be split into main and additional items. If you change the symbol type for all elements, it will only be assigned to the main part (first Element).
  • New material with additional parts can be imported correctly via the Material Explorer.
  • If you set a lock for the material list for an icon in Material Explorer, the lock icon is immediately displayed in Material Explorer.
  • Multi-level terminals whose connection numbers have been changed in the Terminal manager can be placed correctly with the changed connection numbers on CE pages via the Material Explorer.
  • If you change the path to the macros in the WSCAD settings, the Macro Explorer is updated correctly.
  • If you switch the snap, the orthogonal mode or the grid in the symbol editor (even while dragging), the symbol and ruler are displayed correctly.
  • If you add a contact group to a contact comb in the symbol editor and rotate it beforehand with the space bar, only one contact group is correctly placed and listed under the connections.

Part Management

  • The import of an part database into an SQL part database works correctly.
  • If you delete parts from the shopping cart in the part management, the number of parts in the Cart tab is then updated.
  • If you change the part of a cable, the color code stored in the part data is correctly adopted.
  • If you extend the contacts via the assigned part when placing a contact comb, the effective line is also displayed for the additional contacts.

Revision Management

  • In the revision management, the correct time is also displayed in the “Date” column for change entries.
  • Pages that contain a logo but have not been changed are correctly not marked as changed in the revision management.

Lists and Charts

  • The cable list can be exported correctly to ASCII, Access and Excel.
  • The Project number of pages placeholder is evaluated correctly in the function list.
  • When exporting a material list to Excel, the placeholders ” General area: Description” and “Area with structure indicator: Description” are evaluated correctly.
  • The placeholders for the structure identifiers are correctly filled in the wiring diagram.
  • If the cover sheet contains revision management placeholders, these will be updated correctly after generation if revision management is enabled.

Import & Export

  • In the exported PDF, active lines between coil and contact comb are displayed correctly.
  • In multilingual PDF export, the color code of the wires is exported correctly in the selected languages.
  • If the .PDF file extension is missing from the PDF export path, the PDF will still be created successfully.
  • If you move an embedded DWG, this can be reset correctly using the undo function.
  • If different layers are used in a frame in a SUITE X PLUS project, they can be shown and hidden correctly after importing the project.


  • The special CE elements, such as bores and oblong holes, are also correctly transferred to the Kiesling Perforex files.

CE module (Cabinet Engineering)

  • When placing CE elements, their ref. names are always placed in the foreground and are not covered by cable ducts or DIN rails.
  • If a selection of terminals has been rotated on a CE page, the preview is displayed correctly during the subsequent sliding.
  • The symbol texts of CE symbols are displayed in the text size as defined in the symbol.
  • If you draw a cable duct or a DIN rail manually on a CE side, the dimensions are taken over correctly.

BA module (Building Automation)

  • If you change the circuit name of a PLC Child, this is only changed in the associated info link and not in the info links of the other PLC Child on this page.
  • If you deactivate the checkboxes for Sum Together ON in the BA Data Points dialog, the changes are correctly transferred to the info links.
  • Embedding a cable in a BA symbol works correctly.

EI module (Electrical Installation)

  • If an EI base point is set and switched to visible, it remains visible when you scroll through the EI pages.
  • If you use the context menu command for an EGG element Fixing the dimension, the displayed dimension is correctly fixed in the plan.
  • If you insert a free cross-reference on an EI page, the additional window Installation zones is correctly no longer opened.

v7.2.0.23 – ROCKET

Release Date: 2024-01-09

Additional to version, the following improvements have been added:

  • The technology cross-references in BA pages can also be executed correctly in the exported PDF file.
  • Hidden DWG layers are also not visible in the exported PDF file.
  • Colored DXF/DWGs remain colored when exported to a black-and-white or grayscale file.
  • Projects can be created and saved correctly on a NAS server if the corresponding writing rights are available there.
  • In Part Management, the filter texts entered in the filter table are applied correctly, even if the filter was already set with the pin before the filter text was entered.
  • When inserting macros with PLC child elements, the ref. names are taken over unchanged from the macro.
  • Projects from previous versions that contain EI pages in which windows and doors are not placed in walls, can still be imported.
  • The placeholder of the type “General placeholder” can be used to display the properties values of the data points correctly in the info link.
  • A new error in the Steinhauer eCAB export to a DXF file regarding polylines has been fixed. Milling rectangles are now recognized correctly again.

v7.2.0.18 – ROCKET

Release Date: 2023-11-10

Additional to version, the following improvements have been added:

  • ELECTRIX ROCKET licenses are now also displayed in the Borrow license dialog and can be borrowed.
  • In an exported PDF file, the technology cross-references and the cross-references between parent and child elements work correctly.
  • When placing a symbol from the material explorer, the technology cross-reference is also displayed correctly if the symbol has already been placed in another discipline.
  • If a structure area is placed over a symbol with the same structure identifiers, the identifiers are correctly no longer displayed on the symbol.
  • If a page of a closed project is opened, the page has read only status. The timestamp of the file is also correctly not changed.
  • It is also possible to select elements after switching to the next page and back again.
  • The sorting of the “Ref. name” column in the Data Point Browser works correctly.
  • Info-links can also be assigned to symbols that contain a DWG file.
  • The mounting aid works correctly when placing a terminal strip. If the strip is too long, the mounting aid prevents it from being placed. The strip is still placed with all terminals if you confirm the placement in the warning message.
  • If a CE symbol is placed directly above another CE symbol, the warning for the installation aid appears correctly.
  • When deleting a terminal strip on a CE page, the references in the Material Explorer and the empty terminals are retained. If you then replace the part for this terminal strip, the changed data is displayed correctly in the Material Explorer.
  • When moving a CE symbol, the associated dimension lines are also moved correctly.
  • The EI Chain dimension function works correctly, even if the direction changes during drawing.
  • A selection of several EI elements can be moved correctly several times in succession.
  • If you are not logged in to your WSCAD user account, a login window appears when you start the program. If you change the program language in the WSCAD settings, the login window appears in the selected language.

v7.2.0.17 – ROCKET

Release Date: 2023-10-10


WSCAD ELECTRIX ROCKET contains numerous innovations and improvements. These are listed on this page and linked to the respective subject area if possible.
Note: The updates described here depend on the discipline and function level!

General Performance
Explorer and Editors
Managers and Browsers
Lists and Charts
Import & Export
Part management
Settings (Options)
CE module (Cabinet Engineering)
BA module (Building Automation)
EI module (Electrical Installation)
Add-On Project Wizard


  • Elements can be combined into a group. For this purpose, there are two new menu commands in the Edit main menu: Group and Ungroup.
  • It is now possible via the new menu entry Insert | Polygon Structure area to insert a structure area not only as a rectangle, but also as a polygon.
  • In the context menu of a multiple selection, the functions are now displayed first instead of the list of all elements. There was also the menu command Rotate 90° absorbed.
  • When sliding several selected elements, their suspension points are displayed. If the number of hanging points to be displayed exceeds the value of 100, only the hanging points of the element above which the cursor is currently located are displayed.
  • If an Element or selection is moved while the Shift key is held down, the element or selection is doubled. The copy hangs on the mouse cursor. The original remains placed in the old place. If the Move function is called via the context menu or the menu bar, copying with the Shift key does not work.
  • If the snap is activated, it will be used only when performing an action (placing, pushing, zooming…). Otherwise, the cursor can be moved as if the snap were turned off.
  • A search function has been added in the Material Explorer. It works like the Search in the symbol explorer.
  • A Search function has been added in the Project Explorer. It works like the Search in the Symbol Explorer and searches all project names.
  • A further template is available for the function list if the table has to be divided in width between one or more subsequent pages. The numbering follows the scheme: 0001, 0001.a, 0001.b, 0002, 0002.a,… Delimiters and suffix can be adjusted as usual.
  • If you move the mouse pointer over the combination element symbol in the parts management, you will see a tooltip with the data “Quantity | Part number | Manufacturer | Component name”. If you click with the left mouse button on the combination element symbol, the Combi elements dialog opens directly.
  • Property dialogs, managers, browsers and the WSCAD settings can now also be closed with the Return/Enter key, as long as the key does not perform another function (e.g. in a table). Changes are saved when closing.
  • In addition to the EE and CE disciplines, the EPLAN service export now also contains all other disciplines as well as the associated graphics and the 1-pole representation.
  • When placing a PI symbol, the symbol can be zoomed in with the S key and zoomed out with Shift+S. pressing 1x causes a doubling of the standard size, 2x a tripling, etc.

General Performance

  • Opening and closing large CE pages several times and copying and pasting CE elements several times does not increase the working memory as much. This does not slow down the WSCAD software any more.
  • For pages with a lot of elements, the cursor can be moved more smoothly. The sliding of many marked elements also takes place more smoothly.
  • The copying and pasting of macros, pages and project areas has been accelerated.
  • If a selection with a large number of objects has been moved or deleted, the reset of this process (undo function) takes place much faster than usual.
  • The opening of the various managers has been accelerated.
  • Setting a bridge line over a large number of terminals is now more than twice as fast.


  • The application of two different cables with the same is prevented.
  • If you copy a cable with a duplicate cable, the of the duplicate is also counted up correctly when pasting.
  • If a contact comb is only deleted from the circuit diagram, the Restore combs function restores it correctly.
  • The slide damper of several selected contact combs works correctly.
  • If the Generate wire name wizard is executed with creation type Potential and in Formula mode with a designation formula, the potentials are correctly transferred to the wire names.
  • In the properties dialog of a placeholder, the 3-dot button is aligned to the right and is not hidden by the placeholder label.
  • Double-level terminals can be correctly exchanged several times into disconnect terminals using the Swap symbols function.
  • In the Object Properties dialog, copying and pasting text works correctly.
  • A kink can be inserted correctly into a polyline via the context menu.
  • In the properties dialog of a polyline, the line pattern can be changed correctly.
  • If you enter the two variable characters &lt; and &gt; in the properties dialog in the field, the variable dialog opens correctly.
  • If the size of a structure area is changed, the set text alignment is correctly retained.
  • When moving elements with master-slave relationship, they are correctly displayed in the preview. Non-selected slave elements are also not included in the selection.
  • In the post-processing panel of a translation it is no longer possible to enter two identical texts.
  • If you place symbols on a FE page, they are correctly not automatically connected to lines.
  • If one or more open pages are moved to a second monitor, the pages will be displayed on the second monitor again even after a restart of the WSCAD software.


  • The alignment of several selected fields (without symbols) works correctly.
  • When inserting break-off points, the connection lines are displayed correctly.
  • Connection attribute texts can be arranged correctly automatically. The Preserve user-defined position and alignment of texts check box in the connection attributes properties dialog will be disabled.
  • For dimension lines, it is possible to switch correctly between the different dimension line symbols.
  • If another symbol is added to a symbol at the docking point, the corresponding action line is positioned correctly.
  • Via the main menu Change | Object properties | Connection line the properties of all marked connection lines can be changed, e.g. the line style.
  • Texts remain visible even at high zoom levels.

Explorer and Editors

  • If a plug contact is placed via the Material Explorer, the and plug number are created correctly.
  • If you select a rotation variant of an EGG symbol in the Symbol Explorer, the symbol is displayed correctly rotated in the preview when placed.
  • If you enter a variable as for a macro element in the macro editor, the change is saved without delay.
  • Macros with long variable names can be loaded into the macro editor without delay.

Managers and Browsers

  • If an element is added or deleted in a manager’s tree view, the browser view is updated immediately.
  • If you change the KPN in the browser of the terminal manager, the changes are correctly saved with the Apply button.
  • If you change a bridge line in the diagram within a terminal block, the change is immediately displayed in the terminal manager browser.
  • In the Terminal Manager browser, the new terminals are automatically displayed after expanding a terminal block.
  • Changes to the column widths are saved correctly in the browser of the cable manager.
  • If you place a pin/socket contact via the plug manager, you can correctly place the contact only once.
  • After getting a plug over Insert | Electrical | Plug+Socket correctly, the plug manager opens automatically.
  • If you move a contact from one coil to another and back again in the contactor manager, the correct is always displayed on the contact in the plan.
  • If the part of a contactor is changed in the material browser when the contactor manager is switched off, the corresponding comb remains correctly visible.

Lists and Charts

  • If you change the program language to English, the additional parts in English are also displayed in the material list. If you generate the material list anew and then reset the language to German, the additional parts German are displayed.
  • If plug contacts are marked with the material list flag in the Quick Editor, the plugs can be correctly added to the list or excluded using the lock function when generating the material list.

Import & Export

  • In the Print dialog, under Printers, the Maintain height/aspect ratio check box has been removed because changing the height/aspect ratio is no longer supported.
  • The multiple import of many large WSCAD projects works correctly.
  • When importing parts from into the WSCAD software, the Symbol Explorer is updated immediately and not after clicking the Refresh button.
  • All elements on EI and BA pages are printed with the print settings Lines in pixel thickness and Black and white also correctly output in black and white.
  • Embedded DXF/DWG files are correctly output in black and white when printing or exporting, if this is set.

Part management

  • If the part of a cable is changed, the order of the wires remains the same.
  • If you open the part management via a manager, the category filter is applied correctly.
  • With the Translate database function, the entries available in the lexicon are correctly transferred to the parts database for the selected languages.

Settings (Options)

  • Is the color suggestion for a black background setting also available for the column in the WSCAD settings Printer if selected, a white page background is used when exporting to a graphic as for printing.
  • In the WSCAD settings, you can set the Master data | Color code if you enter a new color code file, the color codes will be displayed correctly in the cable manager.


  • In the WSCAD settings, under PRO.FILE option Automatically create the overall evaluation when saving to PRO.FILE added.
  • Saving a WSCAD project to PRO.FILE works correctly, even with the PRO.FILE Windows Clients 8.7 and 10.4.
  • The label output format WAGO Smart Printer has been removed because only the more convenient output to the WAGO labeling system smart Script is supported.
  • When exporting the WAGO Smart Script Wizard, the names of the subareas (e.g. P1, ST) are correctly transferred to the wscx file names.
  • With the Weidmüller M-Print PRO export, the variables in the batch file are filled correctly. When the file is executed, the installed M-Print PRO software starts and loads the csv file with the specified filter.
  • Special characters are correctly supported in the Weidmüller M-Print PRO export csv file.
  • With the Weidmüller M-Print PRO export, all disciplines are now output to the csv file and not just EE and CE.

CE module (Cabinet Engineering)

  • The sliding of many marked CE elements takes place more smoothly and the subsequent placement was also accelerated by a factor of 2.
  • The resetting of shifted CE elements to the original position using the undo function has been significantly accelerated.
  • The-3D view of a control cabinet is now opened about 30% faster.
  • For projects with a lot of data points, the wizard for generating the function list opens again without delay.
  • If a CE element is placed behind another CE element by changing the Z-axis value and is thus no longer visible, this change is displayed immediately and not only after reloading the page.
  • If a special CE element such as hole, thread or slot is added to a mounting plate via the symbol editor, this element can no longer be accidentally deleted if it has been marked with a frame. However, the element can be marked and deleted directly.
  • When a mounting plate is pushed, the value for the Z position is retained.
  • The wire lengths are calculated correctly during routing, even if additional cabinet parts are placed on the mounting plate.
  • If you finish the 3D view of the control cabinet, correctly no more recalculations are performed in the background.
  • If the field has a background color on a CE side, the connection points and connection numbers underneath are hidden.

BA module (Building Automation)

  • When rotating several marked BA or PI objects, the medium connection lines between the objects are also rotated correctly.
  • If data points are assigned to a symbol on PI or EE pages and if this symbol is also placed on a BA page, the data points are correctly assigned to the symbol here as well.
  • The placeholder Project: Texts, Areas and Collections | Collection for WSCAD Document: Description is filled correctly in the function list.
  • If you activate another data point key plugin in the plugin manager and confirm the update of the data points in the hint dialog, they will be updated correctly.
  • Arbitrarily selected infolinks (information frames) can be pushed correctly via the context menu.
  • In the properties dialog of an infolink, assigning an PLC element via its is correctly possible.
  • A copied BA symbol with infolink can be rotated correctly when pasting and the infolink remains arranged below the symbol. Embedded cables are adopted correctly.

EI module (Electrical Installation)

  • About the new context menu command Swap DXF/DWG for an element of an imported DXF/DWG file, the referenced file can be replaced with another DXF/DWG file.
  • For an imported DWG graphic, run the context menu command DWG functions | Convert based on DWG off, the graphic is referenced and remains at the intended position.
  • When copying an installation plan folder to another project, referenced DWG files are copied correctly.
  • Laying systems and cables can be added much faster on EI sides.
  • If BA symbols with embedded cables are placed on an EI page via the Material Explorer, the cables are taken over correctly. The cables are also correctly available for a laying system between the EI symbols.
  • When rotating several marked EI objects, the dimensions are also rotated correctly.
  • Info links can also be assigned to freely rotated EGG symbols.
  • Using the context menu command Show altitude info the height information is correctly placed on the laying system.
  • An already displayed height information of a laying system can be displayed correctly at another location.
  • Double-clicking on a wall correctly opens the properties dialog of the wall.
  • After inserting a kink in a wall, all doors placed in the wall will remain. Both wall segments can be deleted correctly.
  • After inserting a window, no internal lines are correctly displayed at the corners of the affected wall.
  • If you delete a door that has just been placed with the undo function, the door that is still hanging on the mouse cursor is displayed in the correct size.
  • After executing the function Cleaning the file the connections between the laying system and the EI symbols as well as all defined cable lengths are retained.

Add-On Project Wizard

  • In the Project Wizard, cells that are placed one below the other can also be marked with the mouse.
  • It prevents macros from being able to be placed directly into the schematic from the preview of the Project Wizard.
  • In the Project Wizard, copying and pasting text into the selected cells works correctly.

v7.0.1.28 – SP1

Release Date: 2023-06-27

Additional to version, the following improvements have been added:

  • After a symbol swap, the assigned infolink is retained.
  • In the Cable Manager, the wire numbers of a cable with cable duplicate can be changed correctly.
  • If infolinks are placed on an EE page (e.g. for circuit information), the infolinks will be filled correctly even if the ELECTRIX software is started without the BA module.
  • In the Infolinks, the cable ref. names are correctly updated after renumbering.
  • If a terminal strip is distributed over several pages in the circuit diagram, the bridge lines can also be set correctly over several pages.

v7.0.1.27 – SP1

Release Date: 2023-05-31

Service Pack 1 for WSCAD ELECTRIX

The WSCAD ELECTRIX 2021 Service Pack 1 contains numerous new features and improvements. These are listed on this page and linked to the respective subject area if possible.
Note: The updates described here depend on the discipline and function level!

New features
Text fields
Explorer and Editors
Managers and Browsers
Lists and Charts
Import & Export
Settings (Options)
CE module (Cabinet Engineering)
BA module (Building Automation)
EI module (Electrical Installation)
Add-On Project Wizard

New features

  • In the properties dialog of a project you can specify a second project logo.
  • The ELECTRIX window can also be moved in full screen mode.
  • In the PLC manager, in addition to manual entry, you can also compose the module name in the module field of a PLC element via the three-dot button using the Siemens TIA structure from series and rail. This is also possible via the menu command Module name in the pop-up menu of the PLC manager, also for several marked PLC elements.
  • Referencing a DXF/DWG file is now possible directly via the new context menu item New page from DXF/DWG of a document folder in the Project Explorer. The option Based on DWG page in the Create project page(s) dialog has been removed. In addition, you can replace the open page with a page containing a referenced DXF/DWG using the File | Import | Replace page with DXF/DWG menu bar.
  • The new menu item Interfaces | Weidmüller | Wire Processing Center (WPC) can be used to export the cable assembly data and stop means of all or only selected schematic pages of a project as csv files for the Weidmüller Wire Processing Center (WPC). For this purpose, the Weidmüller entries for the required sling codes were added to the <project directory>/Settings/connectionMethods.wsCFG XML file.
  • In order to make the two already existing WAGO interfaces more easily accessible, the two menu items WAGO | Smart Script and WAGO | Smart Designer have been added to the Interfaces main menu.
  • The settings for PRO.FILE can be exported and imported in the WSCAD settings under PRO.FILE. The settings themselves are stored in the profile.wscfg file.
  • In the 3D view of the cabinet, a new icon button can be used to display the contents of the cabinet and the door semi-transparently.
  • In the Cabinet command bar and in the associated CE menu entries, some icon icons have been renewed.
  • A new variable placeholder for info links has been created to display specific data and its values in the info linker. The new placeholder contains the Variable and Property ID fields in its properties dialog, which are used to specifically represent information of the symbol to be referenced.
  • For XML export of a function list, the additional output format XML 2.0 (stored as UTF-8 without BOM) has been provided. The XML file is now structured into the “Project” and “Element” sections. The element area can contain the subareas “Datapoint” and “Sub-element”. The placeholders are assigned to these areas. Sub-elements are listed in the associated element area.
  • In the user management (User Rights), the rights for SETTINGS | Master Data have been further subdivided and the rights for PRO.FILE settings have been added. Additionally, there is now the possibility to prevent the use of under MASTER DATA.


  • Symbols containing images can be rotated and mirrored correctly.
  • In the Generate Wire Name wizard, the entered designation formula is correctly applied to the selected pages, even if there are other unselected pages.
  • After placing and then scaling a symbol angle variant of a symbol, the scaling is retained even if another rotation variant is selected for it.
  • When mirroring PI measuring points, the text containers are also mirrored correctly.
  • If you manually draw a frame over connection attributes that are switched to invisible, they become visible within the frame. This ensures that you do not accidentally delete connection attributes.
  • When changing the line width of graphics and connections, only predefined values can be selected. The input of self-selected values is no longer possible.
  • Bends can be correctly removed from a polyline. Subsequent sliding of the line no longer deletes it.
  • While executing the Tools | Check | Create Central Database function, all other functions are blocked.
  • After rebuilding the central database, placed and virtual terminals and their terminal names are preserved, both on the pages of all disciplines and in the Material Explorer.
  • The key combination Shift + Del can be used to delete elements directly without further prompting.
  • In the properties dialog of an EE symbol the connection direction can be changed correctly in the Connections menu item and the preview is displayed in the correct size.
  • In a closed project, the properties of the project and documents cannot be edited, regardless of whether a page is open read-only or not.
  • In the undocked drawing area, elements can be moved correctly using the arrow keys on the keyboard.


  • Performance and stability have been improved in numerous places, e.g. when opening, scrolling and editing pages.
  • The use of ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) instead of OLEDB solves some errors related to the access to the WSCAD databases, such as the central database or the part database. Phoenix PROJECT complete planning export has also been improved as a result.
  • Importing projects and large DWG files has been accelerated.
  • If you scroll through a large number of pages for a long time, this no longer leads to memory overflow.
  • Performance has been improved when the data directory is located on a network drive.
  • The Quick Editor update when changing the values has been significantly accelerated depending on the number of columns shown, as only the visible fields are updated.


  • If you move several symbols or place a macro on an EE page, the dashed connecting lines are displayed correctly in the preview.
  • The content of newly numbered pages is correctly previewed.
  • If the default color is set for a black background (under Tools | Settings (Options) | Appearance | Colors Elements), symbols and macros are correctly displayed with inverted colors in the preview.
  • If the background of the documents is set to a different color, the background of the preview will also be displayed in this color.

Text fields

  • For block texts, the input of blank lines in the text field is correctly supported.
  • If the background color of the page is set to the same color that is used for the border of the block text, the color of the border will be inverted correctly and the border will remain visible.
  • If text cannot be displayed completely inside the text frame, the text is correctly no longer displayed outside the text frame. In this case, the text frame must be enlarged.
  • When placing a symbol, the symbol texts in the symbol’s text container are filled correctly, regardless of whether the symbol was placed from the Symbol Explorer or from the Material Explorer.
  • After sliding or rotating a ref. name field, the frame is correctly aligned with the contents of the field.
  • Symbol parameters such as the ref. name or the function text can be freely rotated correctly.

Explorer and Editors

  • The execution of the Project Explorer function Edit Project Texts has been accelerated especially for large projects.
  • If you place several clamps over the Material Explorer, none of the clamps is locked for the material list.
  • If you place a free clamp on an EE side via the Material Explorer, the clamp number is displayed correctly in the plan.
  • In the Material Browser, for several selected elements, the item can be changed correctly via their context menu.
  • If you change the article entry of a cable in the Quick-Editor or copy it and paste it to other cables, the changes will be displayed correctly in the Quick-Editor, Material Explorer and Material Browser, even if the Cable Manager is switched off.

Managers and Browsers

  • In the Connection Manager, the two numbers behind a connector strip show the possible and the placed contacts. The display can be set via the Show number of contacts icon. The number depends on whether Both, Plug or Socket tab is selected on the left side.
  • Simultaneous insertion of multiple PLC child elements via PLC Manager on one EE page works correctly without changing the scale of the document during insertion.
  • If you want to enter a BMK for an element in the Contactor, Connector or PLC Manager via the Change BMK menu item that is already assigned, a note appears stating that this is not possible.
  • If you place the command bar Management unanchored on the desktop and restart the WSCAD software, the bar remains unanchored and all icons are visible.

Lists and Charts

  • In the Connection Manager, the two numbers behind a connector strip show the possible and the placed contacts. The display can be set via the Show number of contacts icon. The number depends on whether Both, Plug or Socket tab is selected on the left side.
  • Simultaneous insertion of multiple PLC child elements via PLC Manager on one EE page works correctly without changing the scale of the document during insertion.
  • If you want to enter a BMK for an element in the Contactor, Connector or PLC Manager via the Change BMK menu item that is already assigned, a note appears stating that this is not possible.
  • If you place the command bar Management unanchored on the desktop and restart the WSCAD software, the bar remains unanchored and all icons are visible.

Import & Export

  • After importing a DWG with layers, the assignment of the layer contents to the layer names is preserved even if the layers are reordered.
  • In PDF export, the line style is always displayed correctly, regardless of the zoom factor.
  • PLC elements in FE diagrams are correctly exported to the PDF, even if the PLC element symbol contains an image.

Settings (Options)

  • Under Tools | Settings (Options) | Appearance | Colors Cabinet, color changes are saved correctly for printer output, regardless of the color settings for screen output.
  • If you change the sort order under Tools | Settings (Options) | Report | Terminal chart, this order is also applied in the Material Explorer for the terminals within the terminal strips.
  • Only the languages entered under Tools | Settings (Options) | Language | Language Filter can be selected in the Languages command bar.
  • If a connection has its own line color assigned, this can be correctly overwritten via the WSCAD settings under Display | Colors Elements | Connection Line.


  • With Steinhauer Bohrautomat Export, the alignment of cable ducts rotated by 90° or 270° is correctly transferred to the Excel list.
  • For the PHOENIX PROJECT complete marking export, new structure indicator placeholders for “Functional assignment”, “Plant”, “Installation site” and “Mounting location” have been provided for all element types.
  • The PHOENIX PROJECT complete planning export of DIN rails with subsequent back import works correctly.
  • During PHOENIX PROJECT complete planning export and subsequent back import, wire jumpers are correctly replaced by plug-in jumpers if the function has been activated. Likewise, additional parts are not imported twice.
  • If no values are defined for the PLC fields module and slot, default values are output for them in the AML file during the Siemens TIA export so that the file is accepted by the TIA software.
  • For ELMEKO DELTA T the power losses entered in the dialog Heat calculation DELTA T are correctly transferred to the parts with the button Save to part data.

CE module (Cabinet Engineering)

  • If the Automatic routing function is activated, routing is performed correctly after moving or deleting CE elements.
  • The cursor can be moved more smoothly within CE pages with many objects.
  • CE elements with many polylines can be moved more smoothly, regardless of whether the assembly aid is switched on or off.
  • Copy and paste of many CE elements marked together within a cabinet page has been accelerated.
  • Moving and placing extensive CE elements on the DIN rail is now displayed more smoothly and quickly.
  • On CE pages, the ref. name background is displayed in the correct size and the ref. name field can be slide correctly.
  • For connector or socket symbols on a CE page, the Connection Manager can be called correctly via its Context menu.
  • Self-made cap rails are placed correctly.

BA module (Building Automation)

  • The function Overwrite existing fields from database in the Data Points dialog works correctly.
  • Changes to aggregates in BA Aggregate Management are correctly displayed in the Data Points dialog and in the Data Point Browser.
  • If you change the table of the set datapoints database, the values in the BA datapoints dialog will be updated correctly after clicking the Update button.
  • If the data point key plugin BKS_14 is used, the associated data point key structure is applied correctly.
  • The same data point cannot be correctly assigned to multiple channels of a PLC channel group.
  • If one of the communication profiles “Physical”, “Communicative” or “Virtual” is selected in the Filter field when generating a function list, the BMK are displayed correctly in the output.
  • If you change the line style of a medium connection line and then select a new medium for this line, the line style specified for this medium will be applied correctly.
  • Connection lines between infolinks and Symbol are displayed dashed even if target wiring elements (e.g. right angle) are placed in the connections.
  • Changes in the properties dialog of an infolink are correctly saved and displayed in the infolink.
  • If you copy a BA element with embedded cables incl. infolinks and paste the elements on another BA page, the BMK of the embedded cables are displayed correctly in the infolinks.
  • In the WSCAD area Functional Assignment in the structure of the data point keys, only the additional data1 and 2 of this area are displayed. If further additional information is entered in sub-areas such as installation location or installation site, these are correctly not taken into account for the WSCAD Functional Assignment area.

EI module (Electrical Installation)

  • When creating multiple cables in the properties dialog of an EI symbol, the ref. name of the cables are incremented correctly.
  • If a cable is assigned to a distributor, the function text of the cable is correctly displayed in the Properties dialog of the distributor.
  • If you switch the Cable Laying Systems layer to invisible, the connection points and the green height change arrows on the EI pages are also switched to invisible.
  • If you copy a referenced DWG from an EI page of an unopened project to an EI page of the opened project, the DWG is pasted correctly.
  • Doors and windows can be placed correctly even in angled walls.

Add-On Project Wizard

  • Technology cross-references in the documents are preserved when generating the pages using the Project Wizard.
  • If additional articles are assigned to a symbol in a macro, the additional articles receive the correct ref. name after generation with the Project Wizard.
  • If cables are assigned to a symbol in a macro, the cables receive the correct ref. name after generation with the Project Wizard.
  • Generating a project where symbols on BA pages are linked to symbols on EI pages works correctly with the Project Wizard.


Release Date: 2022-09-01


The seventh WSCAD ELECTRIX Update contains numerous improvements and corrections.
Note: The updates described here depend on the discipline and function level!

Manager and Browser
Explorer and Editors
Lists and charts
Import & Export
CE module (Cabinet Engineering)
BA module (Building Automation)
EI module (Electrical Installation)


  • In the context menu of a symbol, all existing symbol parameters are correctly displayed under Symbol parameters.
  • Dimension texts are displayed correctly positioned when rotated by 180°, regardless of the direction in which the dimension line was placed.
  • The Remove wire name wizard (executable via Tools | Wire names) also deletes manually inserted connection attributes and connection attributes of symbol connections that have been modified via the Symbol Editor.
  • The Generate Wire Names wizard also generates correct wire names with the Formula mode and the Potential setting.
  • If you change the type of symbol connections (e.g. from jumper to passive), the wire names are updated correctly when automatically generating the wire names (via Tools | Wire names | Generate wire name).
  • When automatically numbering the resources (via Tools | Numbering | References), the ref names on subpages are numbered consecutively as long as the Include separator and suffix of subpages check box is deactivated. If the check box is marked, the subpages will be correctly included in the naming.
  • After restoring the project structure, the areas and collection folders are displayed correctly and sorted as defined before.
  • After rebuilding the central database, the links from EE terminals to CE terminals (e.g. via the Technology Navigator) remain active.
  • Medium connection lines, laying system lines and other inserted graphic lines are correctly no longer displayed rounded at the ends.
  • If the DW point representation is activated, the DW symbol is still at the cursor after the first DW element has been set, in order to be able to set a second DW element.
  • Function texts can also be entered subsequently for virtual PLCs.
  • Contact combs of slave symbols are displayed correctly positioned.
  • If is called from the ELECTRIX software, the Schneider Electric configurator can be executed correctly for all Schneider Electric parts.
  • The additional window is correctly displayed on the same screen where the ELECTRIX software is displayed.


  • When placing a macro with cable, all wires of the cable have the same ref. name.
  • Component boxes and black boxes can be correctly inserted into a macro via the Macro Editor.

Manager and Browser

  • If terminals are placed via the Terminal Manager, existing structure identifiers are correctly adopted.
  • In the Cable Manager, the number of cable wires is displayed as defined in the adjusted color code or in the assigned part.

Explorer and Editors

  • In the Symbol Editor, placing a virtual pin to a PLC parent element works correctly.
  • If you select several fields in the Quick Editor and lock them via the context menu command On for the material list, all associated check boxes will be activated correctly.
  • If you delete terminals on an EE page that are also placed on a CE page and you want to keep empty terminals, the terminals remain placed on the CE page and are still displayed in the Material Explorer.

Lists and charts

  • Wiring charts are generated correctly before and after routing, and with and without routing enabled.
  • If you can choose between several list configurations for a report, only the selected list configuration will be generated.
  • In the settings for generating the material list, the Symbols in component box filter is applied correctly for all disciplines.
  • In the settings for generating a revision list, the placeholders of the revision list are displayed as output fields in addition to the general placeholders.
  • For reports, the Printer option has been removed from the Output to configuration dialog. The lists can also be printed after successful generation.

Import & Export

  • After a project import, the contact combs are displayed correctly positioned.
  • When exporting to DXF/DWG, all reports (e.g. graphical terminal chart and graphical cable chart) are exported correctly.
  • After multilingual PDF export, the document names are displayed in the correct language in the PDF content directory.
  • When exporting reports to an Excel list and a project language is additionally defined, the headings of the Excel list will also be displayed in the defined project language.


  • In the Part Management, the search term for a search in is correctly passed to and the search is executed.
  • If the part is modified via the Object properties dialog for several selected coils when the Contactor Manager is switched off, the part is also modified for all associated contact combs.


  • Import and export of AML files via interfaces | SIEMENS | PLC CAE has been improved.
  • Rotated CE elements are output correctly rotated when exporting to Steinhauer eCAB.

CE module (Cabinet Engineering)

  • Copy and paste of many CE elements marked together within a cabinet page has been accelerated.
  • Moving multiple selected CE elements relative to each other with assembly help turned on has been improved.
  • If several selected CE elements are moved using the Place with distance function, the order of the elements is not changed.
  • When setting 3D overlay points (via Tools | Cabinet | 3D Overlay Points or via the context menu Functions | 3D Overlay Points of the cabinet door), some small adjustments have been made.

BA module (Building Automation)

  • Infolinks and symbols can be placed correctly on a BA page with a referenced DXF/DWG file.

EI module (Electrical Installation)

  • With CTRL+M you can switch the display of dimension lines of selected EI elements between inside and outside the wall.
  • For freely rotated EI symbols, the symbol texts are displayed correctly positioned.
  • When placing a door, the distances to the walls are displayed correctly.
  • All text containers of an installation plan with a referenced DXF/DWG file are also visible in the generated PDF file.
  • When executing the EI function Move from wall end, the distances to the closest wall elements are displayed correctly.
  • In the 3D view of an installation plan, all placed EI elements are displayed correctly.


Release Date: 2022-05-12


The sixth WSCAD ELECTRIX Update contains numerous improvements and corrections.
Note: The updates described here depend on the discipline and function level!

Import & Export
CE module (Cabinet Engineering)
BA module (Building Automation)
EI module (Electrical Installation)


  • In the Project Explorer, the Functions | Change text size menu item changes the font size of symbol texts. In addition, other texts can now be selected, such as General text, Free text, Block text, Connection attribute texts, and Cross-references.
  • In the Quick Editor, filtering by element types and then switching them visible/invisible works correctly.
  • The connection to SSO and works even when using a proxy server.
  • Placing and deleting auxiliary lines (also via Ctrl + Minus key) works correctly.
  • The setting of dimension lines works correctly, even if the snap is switched on and off with F5.
  • The text alignment of dimension lines is applied correctly when setting the dimension.
  • In the Material Browser, setting a lock for a technology works correctly.
  • After executing the Restore Structure function, project pages of subprojects are correctly no longer locked.
  • Symbols with embedded cables are correctly highlighted using the mouse-over function.
  • If the layer is changed in the properties dialog when inserting a text, the text can be placed correctly afterwards.
  • When placing elements, Ctrl+Z first terminates the placing function, and executing Ctrl+Z again deletes the placed element.
  • When inserting symbols with the same symbol type into a component box, their ref. names are counted up correctly.
  • When swapping multiple PLC child elements, the pin numbers of all elements are set correctly.
  • For vertically oriented pages, the logo in the frame is also displayed vertically.
  • Docking and undocking a second tab as well as displaying and zooming the contents of both documents works correctly.
  • When moving one or more WSCAD windows to a second monitor, the content of the windows will be displayed correctly there, even if the WSCAD software has been restarted.


  • Placing, copying and deleting of many distributed terminals marked together has been accelerated.
  • Multiple copying of symbols of distributed terminals with the “+” key works correctly.
  • The placement of a bridge line over a large number of distributed terminals has been accelerated.
  • Cable are set to descriptive in the project properties, the Cable Manager can be opened correctly.


  • When placing macros with variables, the variable values take priority over the database fields from the part database.
  • When inserting a macro that has several equal ref. names or ref. names with variables as running number, the ref. names are counted up correctly.
  • When creating a page macro from the elements of a page, all elements of the page are displayed correctly in the Macro Editor.
  • The Quick Search for macros first searches through the macro names and then through the path names, and the results are displayed in that order.


  • When exporting the material list to Excel with additional output fields, the comment and description of the document folders are output correctly.
  • In cable lists with the Cable type placeholder, virtual cables that have not yet been placed are also displayed correctly.

Import & Export

  • When importing cables from an Excel file in the Material Explorer, the colors of the individual cable wires are imported correctly and displayed correctly in the Cable Manager.
  • Opening a PDF after export and scrolling through the PDF has been speeded up.
  • After PDF export, texts on PLC parent and child elements as well as multi-line texts are output correctly. In addition, the cross-references on the connections are correctly clickable.
  • Even during multilingual PDF export, the Output with symbol parameters check box can be used to display the parameters of a symbol (Ref. name, symbol name, part, function text…) in the PDF as comments and as popups. PDFs in other languages contain the translated texts.
  • The different pin types, e.g. for a black box, are correctly displayed when exporting to PDF.
  • If you set Scale to fit and Center drawing when printing and also specify large margins, the frames and content of the documents will be printed correctly.
  • If reports contain placeholders rotated by 90°/270°, the PDF export will always display the content correctly, even with different alignment settings.
  • When exporting a single line schematic with PLC symbols to PDF, the texts and cross-references of the channels are correctly not displayed at the symbol.
  • If a page that already contains referenced DXF/DWG files is exported to DXF/DWG, the referenced DXF/DWG files are copied to a subfolder in the directory specified during export. The subfolder is named like the DXF/DWG file created during export.
  • Exporting a page with a DWG file to a graphic file (e.g. jpg) works correctly.
  • DWG drawings imported via Based on DWG page are displayed correctly even if the page background is set to black.
  • Labels are printed with the defined size settings.


  • When filtering the part list in the Part Management using the side tabs Symbol and Category, the preview is adjusted correctly. When closing the Part Management, the last filter setting is saved correctly.
  • With the Translate database function, the entries available in the lexicon are correctly transferred to the part database for the selected languages.
  • Translating the part database into one or more languages using the lexicon works correctly, even if a foreign language is selected as the key language.
  • Inserting parts into single line schematics works correctly.


  • The output of labels to the WAGO SmartScript labeling system works correctly.
  • Multi-level terminals are correctly exported to WAGO smartDESIGNER.

CE module (Cabinet Engineering)

  • Mirroring a mounting plate works correctly.
  • Moving a BMK from a selection of several CE elements works correctly, even if they were previously selected with the context menu command “Select Intelligent | Ref. name”.
  • On CE pages, unneeded text fields with structure identifiers are not output on printout and in the PDF.
  • After rotating or mirroring a CE element, the focus remains on the CE element and all edit functions are executable.
  • On CE pages, an element can be moved together with its child elements (e.g. DIN rail) via the Move with function also using the arrow keys.
  • If a color override is set for CE elements for printing (e.g. Mounting plate background), they will be displayed in the set colors/grayscale for print and PDF export.
  • Cabinet connection | Wire length addition, this value is added to the existing wire length during routing and taken into account in the wiring diagram.

BA module (Building Automation)

  • In the Update datapoints / infolinks wizard, the BA fields from the Datapoint Browser have been added. When activated, the values are taken from the currently set datapoint and part database.
  • If you set an infolink to a BA symbol, the connection from the symbol to the information frame is always placed in the foreground and is not overlaid by other elements.
  • In the Part Management, the content of the database field Communication profile is displayed correctly in the column Communication profile (e.g. BACnet). This content is also displayed correctly in the function list, both in single-line and multi-line display.
  • When importing a project of a previous WSCAD version, the assignments of the BA base objects to the PLC special texts defined under Tools | Settings (options) | Symbol | PLC Special Texts are not lost.
  • If you load a standard symbol of a BA page into the Symbol Editor and change the type to PLC parent element, the symbol will be correctly swapped and displayed on the page.
  • If a BA element is locked from the material list (via the properties dialog or via a material list flag), the element will not be listed when creating a function list with the output style “Sum list”.
  • If a material multiplier is specified for a BA element in the properties dialog under Misc., this multiplier is evaluated correctly when creating a function list with the output style “Sum list”.

EI module (Electrical Installation)

  • On EI pages, the BMK of an embedded cable is displayed correctly positioned at the associated symbol.
  • On EI sides, laying systems and cables can be correctly mirrored and rotated.
  • If layer control is switched on, EI elements are placed on the selected layer. If layer control is switched off, EI elements are placed on the assigned layer, e.g. walls, doors and windows on the “Installation plan” layer and grid ceilings and room areas on the “Living unit” layer.
  • If you finish drawing a laying system line with a right click, the line is displayed immediately. Another line can be attached, since the drawing function is not yet finished.
  • When creating a wall, the color selection of the wall material is applied correctly. Even with the orthogonal drawing mode turned off (F6), drawing a wall works correctly.
  • When placing a door, you can change the door hinge with Ctrl+D and then cancel the placement correctly with ESC.


Release Date: 2022-01-12

Update 5 for WSCAD ELECTRIX 2021

The fifth WSCAD ELECTRIX 2021 Update contains numerous improvements and corrections.
Note: The updates described here depend on the discipline and function level!

Manager und Browser
Import & Export
CE module (Cabinet Engineering)
BA module (Building Automation)
EI module (Electrical Installation)


  • Pages with large DWG drawings imported as graphics can be opened and zoomed faster.
  • Changes made to dimension settings are updated immediately.
  • The setting whether lines should be displayed in pixel thickness can now be activated for each page in the properties dialog of the page. In addition, the Lines in pixel thickness check box has been added to the export dialogs. If the setting is disabled in these dialogs, the settings of the pages are used. If the setting is activated, the lines on all pages are exported in pixel thickness.
  • The setting View | Show all lines in pixel thickness applies to the whole project. If this setting is activated, it will also be applied to the export dialogs, but can be deactivated here. Then the settings in the pages apply again.
  • Via Tools | Settings (options) | Numbering | Terminal you can select whether the terminal numbers are displayed vertically or horizontally aligned when placing the terminals.
  • In the Symbol Editor, a PLC parent element or PLC child-element can be correctly inserted via the Electrical Engineering command bar.
  • If an info linker is assigned to a slave symbol that was placed with the CTRL key pressed and is thus assigned to a master symbol, the linker is placed in the correct position of the slave symbol.
  • The cross-references between existing termination point symbols are preserved, even if additional termination point symbols with the same line name are set on other pages.
  • It is not possible to enter a project name with more than 260 characters. Additionally, the number of characters in the Working directory field is limited to 200.
  • An additional part placed on a page can only be edited in the properties of the main element in the menu item Additional part, if the additional part has been deleted from the page first.
  • When inserting and then scaling a rotation variant with the S and Shift+S keys, the reference identifier is correctly displayed on the symbol after placing.
  • If you define connection attribute texts for color code, cross section and type and make them visible, they will be displayed correctly positioned at the connections.
  • In the Edit Connections dialog, entries in the Type column can be correctly deleted.
  • Texts that are deleted in documents are no longer found during a translation run and are also no longer displayed in the post-processing panel.
  • After executing the Clean up file function, the visibility/invisibility and the position of the ref. names remains as set.

Manager und Browser

  • In the Material Explorer, adding new material from a cable list (Excel file) works correctly.
  • In the Interruption Point Browser, sorting by the potentials works correctly.
  • If a double throw contact is replaced by a rotation variant when the Contactor Manager is switched on, the contact numbers in the plan are retained at the new positions.
  • If some aspects of the symbol type Cable are set to descriptive in the project properties, the Cable Manager can be opened correctly.


  • If a macro is placed with a cable that contains more cores in the specified part than cores are placed, these virtual cores are taken into account when displaying the number of cores. If the specified part is not included in the part database, the virtual cores are not taken into account.
  • When creating a page macro from several elements of a page, the snap point of the macro is set so that the snap point lies in the grid of the snap.
  • Distribution macros are displayed in the preview window in space-filling size.

Import & Export

  • During the import of large DWG drawings, the drawing can be zoomed and moved more quickly in the preview.
  • When importing the configuration settings, the data directory path and the specified part database are not changed. However, the path to the data point management is adapted.
  • If a backup file is to be created when importing a project and the creation of this file fails, the project will still be opened correctly after the import.
  • When importing an SQL part database into an SQL part database and activate Assign all tables automatically, all tables are correctly marked in the next step.
  • When importing an SQL database, the version number of this source database remains unchanged.
  • If a line width factor is specified during PDF export, dashed lines will be displayed correctly in the PDF file.
  • If a foreign language is set as project language, the PDFs will be created correctly in the specified languages during multilingual PDF export.
  • Elements that are in the drawing area but outside the frame are not taken into account during export and printing.
  • Print preview and printout are done correctly without additional frame.
  • Documents contained in the project directory but not displayed in the Project Explorer will not be exported.


  • Phoenix PROJECT complete planning export correctly outputs the height, width and depth of the elements on a DIN rail and displays the elements on a vertically arranged DIN rail in the correct order.
  • When exporting to Steinhauer eCAB system, the display of miscellaneous elements has been improved.

CE module (Cabinet Engineering)

  • On a CE page, a selection with different elements can be moved correctly, regardless of which elements are included in the selection.
  • If a DIN rail is moved with the context menu command Move with, all child elements of the DIN rail are also moved correctly.
  • When loading a CE element into the Symbol Editor and entering a value in the properties of a connection under Cabinet connection | Wire length addition, this value is added to the existing wire length during routing and taken into account in the wiring diagram.

BA module (Building Automation)

  • When inserting a symbol into the plan via the Material Explorer, the data points of the symbol are displayed correctly in Data Point Browser.
  • When linking an EE symbol to a BA symbol via the BMK in the Enter reference designation dialog, the data points of the BA symbol are displayed correctly in the EE symbol via the Data Point Browser.
  • Data points added manually to a symbol are preserved when the symbol is saved as a macro along with other elements.
  • Medium connection lines can be correctly inserted into a newly created automation scheme macro. Also, the type of medium connection lines can be correctly changed via the BA command bar.
  • Copy-protected BA symbols can be correctly stored in the “Leer_BA” library.

EI module (Electrical Installation)

  • When copying several EI elements, the insertion point is correctly displayed above the selection when pasting on another EI page.
  • Doors and windows can also be inserted into walls thinner than 10 cm.


Release Date: 2021-11-02

Update 4 for WSCAD ELECTRIX 2021

The fourth WSCAD ELECTRIX 2021 Update contains numerous improvements and corrections.
Note: The updates described here depend on the discipline and function level!

Explorers & Editors
Import & Export
Part Management
CE module (Cabinet Engineering)
BA module (Building Automation)
EI module (Electrical Installation)


  • The properties of free cross-references can be edited correctly after placement.
  • If the Use templates from project check box is activated in the properties dialog of a project, the path to the templates is preselected correctly.
  • If the Move function is active for a symbol, Ctrl + arrow keys can be used to move the symbol correctly in the grid, even if the snap is switched off.
  • When placing a symbol on a page, the properties dialog opens automatically. The symbol remains visible in the background.
  • After moving a symbol or selection, the symbol or selection remains active and the context menu of the symbol or selection can be opened correctly.
  • Filled graphics can be moved and deleted correctly including the frame.
  • Switching the project-specific configuration on and off via the context menu of several selected projects works correctly.
  • Dimensions that are stored in a macro are correctly adopted and displayed when the macro is placed.
  • When changing the scale of a page, the elements can be correctly dimensioned afterwards.
  • When placing several black boxes, the ref. name is counted up correctly.
  • After rebuilding the central database, the Cable Manager correctly displays the wires of cables with cable duplicates.
  • Copying elements from an undocked page to a docked page works correctly.
  • When changing the sort order of a placed legend, the new order will be displayed correctly.

Explorers & Editors

  • PLC parent elements can be placed correctly on a single line schematic via the Material Explorer.
  • When adding symbols to a user-defined command bar using the Symbol Explorer, the icons of the symbols are displayed correctly.
  • In the Symbol Editor, the placeholders for channel special texts for PLC parent elements can be can be copied and pasted correctly.

Import & Export

  • Elements from an imported WSCAD SUITE project are displayed correctly and can be switched visible and invisible correctly via the layer management.
  • All layers hidden in the imported DWG file are also not visible in the printout or in the exported PDF.
  • Export of large projects to PDF and also to DWG/DXF has been accelerated.
  • In the print preview and also in the printout, all cross-references are displayed correctly.
  • The cross-references of contact combs are clickable in the exported PDF and jump to the corresponding contact.
  • When exporting to DXF/DWG, the older AutoCad versions R13, R14 and R15 are no longer supported, due to problems with displaying colors


  • When exporting to Steinhauer PWA, the elements on CE pages are correctly displayed in the DXF file.
  • The position of blocking areas on CE pages is correctly transferred to the DXF file when exporting to Steinhauer eCAB System.
  • In Phoenix PROJECT complete planning, the export and import of terminal strips with wire and plug-in jumpers as well as multi-level terminals with bridge connections works correctly.

Part Management

  • If the filter is enabled in the part management, it will be updated immediately based on the selection on the left (category, symbol).
  • When adding a new manufacturer for a part in the part management, the focus in the list is correctly set to the new entry.
  • If another part with the same contact comb is selected for a coil, the cross-references of the contact comb are correctly displayed and also printed.

CE module (Cabinet Engineering)

  • On CE pages, auxiliary lines are not covered by cabinet elements (cabinet, cabinet door, mounting plate, etc.).
  • Elements on CE pages can be moved correctly. After moving, access to the context menu of the element is possible again.
  • When moving a CE element, the value for the z-axis is retained in the properties of the element.
  • If you copy several selected CE elements and want to place them on the CE page again, all selected CE elements will be displayed correctly in the placement preview.

BA module (Building Automation)

  • If the function text of a symbol is changed in the Data Point Browser, the function text is also changed in all other disciplines.
  • If cables have already been defined on a BA page, the Cable Manager will correctly preselect the next free cable while drawing another cable on an EE page.

EI module (Electrical Installation)

  • Creating a structure area within EI pages works correctly.
  • Risers can be placed over several floors from top to bottom as well as from bottom to top with the associated cables and displayed correctly in the 3D view.


Release Date: 2021-09-22

Update 3 for WSCAD ELECTRIX 2021

The third WSCAD ELECTRIX 2021 Update contains numerous improvements and corrections.
Note: The updates described here depend on the discipline and function level!

Import & Export
CE module (Cabinet Engineering)
EI module (Electrical Installation)


  • For the new Quick Search symbols, macros and parts as well as reference names (BMK) can now be searched. For this, the menu bar of the search dialog has been displayed as drop-down lists.
  • The DWG/DXF layers of a page can be made visible or invisible individually. These settings are saved separately for each page.
  • Cross-references in the multi-line display work correctly.
  • In the document area, when dragging a frame (green) from right to left with left mouse button held down, text containers and dimensions that are not completely enclosed by the frame are also marked.
  • Symbol pins, that are copied and pasted in the Symbol Editor, are correctly connected in the plan.
  • In the Template Explorer, the Translate and Correct language functions are correctly launched in the context menu of a template.
  • If you click the Browse Project button during language analysis and multilingual PDF export, all languages present in the project will be listed correctly
  • Under Tools | Settings (Options) | View | Element Colors the color of the background can be set correctly.
  • When changing the program language, the names of all report pages are correctly displayed in the selected language.
  • The window size of the Cable Manager is saved correctly when closing the manager.
  • When drawing a line, entering the length using the keyboard works correctly.
  • After placing a cable, another EE page can be opened and another cable can be placed. The function is only canceled with the right mouse button or the Esc key.
  • Individual pages of an open project are locked only if the revision management is active in strict mode.
  • Calling the function Change | Object properties | Connections also works if some connections contain bridge lines.

Import & Export

  • Dimensions are displayed correctly when importing a WSCAD SUITE project. The values can be moved independently of the dimension arrows and the position of the arrows can be selected correctly.
  • Texts imported as graphic appear clearly readable when exported to PDF.
  • After the data transfer from WSCAD SUITE the help will be opened correctly.
  • The Phoenix PROJECT complete planning XLM import supports both dot and comma separation for decimal values.
  • After changing the project language, when exporting to PDF (with the Output with symbol parameters check box activated), the symbol parameters displayed in the popups are also correctly displayed in the selected project language.

CE module (Cabinet Engineering)

  • If a macro is placed in the Cabinet or several elements are placed with Copy and Paste, the Z-values of the elements are taken over correctly.
  • The context menu of the special cabinet elements (e.g. drill, slotted hole, blocked area) is displayed correctly.
  • When placing or shifting a symbol on a medium connection line, the line is displayed interrupted by the symbol. When removing a symbol from a medium connection line, the line is displayed closed again.

EI module (Electrical Installation)

  • On an installation plan page, texts can be rotated correctly with the space bar and scaled correctly with S and Shift+S.
  • On EI pages, the distance measuring of two points can be started with the B key and ended with the B key or the Esc key.
  • The rotation variants created in the EI library “INSTA/EDV” can be rotated correctly using the context menu command Rotate | Rotate 90°.


Release Date: 2021-08-09

Update 2 for WSCAD ELECTRIX 2021

The second WSCAD ELECTRIX 2021 Update contains numerous improvements and corrections.
Note: The updates described here depend on the discipline and function level!

Manager & Browser
CE module (Cabinet Engineering)
EI module (Electrical Installation)


  • In the new quick search dialog, you can filter the hits using the Commands (c) and Settings (o) tabs.  If you enter a “c” and a space before the search term, only the commands will be searched, if you enter an “o” and a space, only the settings will be searched.
  • In the new quick search dialog, the scroll bar works correctly.
  • In Hotfix 1, elements of a macro that were moved were detached from the macro, but the remaining elements were still part of the macro. Now, by customer request, the functionality has been changed as follows: If one or more elements of a macro are moved, the macro is dissolved.
  • If the cross-references at the symbol are set to multi-line, cross-references and symbol texts no longer overlap at the symbol.
  • The Tools | Wire name | Create wire names function works correctly even in the Source/destination point-point mode.
  • When moving multiple selected elements, the moving points of the selection will be displayed correctly.
  • The F9 key correctly activates/deactivates the setting of the coordinate zero point at the cursor.
  • When importing a SUITE X project, the elements placed on layers are correctly assigned to the layers.
  • Cable lines can be copied, cut and pasted correctly – even selections with cable lines.
  • A black box can be inserted even without specifying a ref. name.
  • When copying schematic pages and cabinet pages from one area to another, the EE and CE symbols can be linked again across technologies in the new area.
  • In the Symbol Editor, when changing the shape from Point to Short in the properties dialog of a pin, the pin is correctly displayed as a short line.
  • Opening another project via the context menu command in the Project Explorer works correctly even if a project is already open.

Manager & Browser

  • In the Contactor Manager preview, when creating a new coil, the contact comb included in the assigned part is displayed correctly.
  • In the Connector Manager, the designations of the table rows are displayed correctly for the single connectors and sockets.

CE module (Cabinet Engineering)

  • Lines placed on CE pages can be split correctly.
  • If a part with predefined width and height is assigned to a placed cable duct, only the length of the cable duct can be changed. When changing the size, the grip points and the dimensions are displayed correctly.
  • When inserting a mounting plate, redundant rectangles are no longer displayed in the background.

EI module (Electrical Installation)

  • On EI pages, the alignment of symbols and texts works correctly.
  • When inserting doors and windows, the distances to the nearest walls are displayed correctly.
  • When selecting one or more EI elements with the left mouse button, the dimensions are displayed correctly.
  • When placing laying systems, the thickness defined in the software settings under Installation | Laying system is applied correctly.


Release Date: 2021-07-21

Update 1 for WSCAD ELECTRIX 2021

The first WSCAD ELECTRIX 2021 Update contains numerous improvements and corrections.
Note: The updates described here depend on the discipline and function level!

Quick Search (Search & Click)
Part management
DXF/DWG import
Interface Phoenix Contact
CE module (Cabinet Engineering)
BA module (Building Automation)
EI module (Electrical Installation)

New! Quick Search (Search & Click)

  • With the revised menu bar or the key combination Ctrl+Q you can call up the new quick search. This means you no longer have to worry about where to find the functionality you want in the menu items or software settings. Just enter your search term in the new search dialog and double-click on the hit that fits best. The function will be executed directly (e.g. in the menu entries) or you will be guided to the right place (e.g. in the software settings). Very quickly you create a new project with new pages, place symbols, terminal strips and cables and change your software settings.


  • The menu bar and the title bar have been merged.
  • The Intelligent Selection | BMK function works correctly for all disciplines.
  • The short cut Ctrl+Alt suppresses the opening of the associated manager when placing symbols.
  • When locking multiple wires for automatic wire designation, the lock icon will be displayed on the wires when showing the connection attributes is enabled.
  • When using the Insert | Graphic | Rectangle function, the hint texts are correctly displayed in the status bar.
  • When copying a coil, the contacts of the old coil are correctly not transferred to the new coil.
  • If you place a main contact via the command bar and assign it to a coil in the Contactor Manager, the BMK of the coil is correctly displayed at the contact.
  • When drawing a frame over several elements including some frame elements on a page, the frame elements will not be selected. Elements in the frame can only be deleted if you have clicked in the frame.
  • The cross-references at the interruption symbols are displayed correctly.
  • Free cross-references can be placed correctly using the Free cross-references additional window.
  • If the DW point representation is activated in the View main menu, the destination wiring elements are correctly displayed as points and also correctly output to a printer or to a PDF file.
  • When activating the Filling check box in the properties dialog of standard text, the text will no longer disappear behind the selected filling.
  • After rotating block text, the text is correctly displayed in the text frame. The original non-rotated text is correctly no longer displayed.
  • In the Edit project texts dialog, the columns Additional info.1-6 can be displayed correctly.


  • Moving multiple selected terminal strips has been accelerated.
  • After moving a symbol, the symbol correctly remains selected so that you can move it a second time. Only a click in the drawing area cancels the selection again.
  • If you want to move two selected info links, the mouse pointer is correctly placed in the first grip point.


  • If you move several elements of a macro, you receive a message that these elements will be removed from the macro. If you cancel the function, the message will no longer appear for each individual element and the elements will not be moved.
  • If a macro is moved and then swapped, the macro remains placed at the new position.
  • All macros in the macros folder “Distribution Macros A4” are correctly displayed in the preview and in the Macro Editor. If these macros are used in the Distribution and Circuit Manager, the pages generated from these macros will be created correctly.
  • Macros are displayed correctly in the Macro Editor, regardless of whether a project is open or not.

Part management

  • In a SQL database, the Part name column and the first column after the status column are also searched correctly.
  • If you create a new part via the part management, the current date is automatically entered in the WSCAD field Creation date in the following form: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM
  • In the Combi element dialog, you can use the + and – keys to increase or decrease the number of the additional part if a cell of the additional part is selected. If the cursor is placed directly in the Part field, the + and – characters can be entered there as text. In both cases it does not matter whether + and – are used from the letter block or from the number block of the keyboard.

DXF/DWG import

  • Referencing a DWG file via the option Based on DWG page when creating a new page has been improved. Both the model and the layouts can be referenced correctly. The individual elements can be edited via their context menus.
  • With the “old” import of a DWG file (via File | Import | DXF/DWG) only the model but not the layouts of the DWG file can be embedded in the page. A hint now appears to create a new page instead with the option Based on DWG page.
  • The properties of a page containing a DWG file referenced with Based on DWG page can be changed.


  • In the editors, when moving and rotating elements, the distances, radius, rotation axis and rotation angle are displayed correctly. The Tab key can be used to enter the values directly.
  • When changing the distance area of a CE symbol in the properties dialog under Cabinet component in the Symbol Editor, it is displayed correctly when placing or moving the symbol.
  • If you add a block text to a symbol in the Symbol Editor and add another language including text, language and text will be saved correctly.
  • In the Symbol Editor, the context menu command Selection | Rotate 90° rotates all selected elements correctly.
  • Quick Editor always shows the data of the last opened plan. In the Quick Editor, the Show All filter can be used to correctly select the individual element types.

Interface Phoenix Contact

  • In Phoenix PROJECT complete planning, export and import of terminal strips with terminal accessories and with wire jumpers and plug-in jumpers work correctly.

CE module (Cabinet Engineering)

  • The output of CE pages to Steinhauer PWA works correctly.
  • If the mounting aid is activated, even manually drawn symbols are correctly aligned on the DIN rail.
  • Changes to the position of the symbol snap point of a CE symbol (via properties dialog under Cabinet component) are applied correctly.
  • If you select several CE elements and choose the context menu command Selection | Properties, the Properties Attributes dialog with the table view is correctly called.

BA module (Building Automation)

  • After executing the function Tools | Automatic | Update datapoints/infolinks, the datapoint assignments can be displayed correctly in the Project Wizard for the PLC channels of the macros used via the context menu command Current grouped values.
  • In the Plugin Manager, only one datapoint key plugin can be activated at a time, not several at once.

EI module (Electrical Installation)

  • Windows and doors can be placed flush with the corner of a wall.
  • The function Insert | Electrical Installation | Auto-detect room area works correctly even if an area with a grid fill is selected.
  • On EI pages, you can use the context menu command Continue wall drawing to continue drawing the wall at right angles.
  • When inserting a rotation variant on an EI page, the cross reference to the BA page is correctly displayed at the symbol.
  • The red connection pins inside EI symbols are displayed again.
  • Generating a material list with the output type “3. Together + Ref. name” and activated Additional parts check box works correctly for the discipline EI.


Release Date: 2021-07-07



  • Via the newly introduced Single Sign On (SSO) you can use the WSCAD ELECTRIX 2021 software, the data portal and the new WSCAD Shop with only one WSCAD account. To do this, you have to register once with WSCAD. If you have already created an account at, simply use the same user data. You can, of course, continue to use the WSCAD software without logging in, but you have no access to the online functions, such as importing part data from or creating support tickets, and you cannot access the interfaces to WAGO, Schneider Electric and ELMEKO.
  • WSCAD ELECTRIX 2021 is only available as a 64-bit version and only runs on a Windows 10 64-bit operating system. In the 64-bit version, considerably more memory (RAM) can be used, and large projects and DXF/DWG files can be processed quickly. The new analysis tool checks during installation whether the 64-bit Access Database Engine required for the WSCAD databases is available on the PC. If it is missing, it can be installed using the tool.
  • With the new Design Engine, the processors of professional NVIDA and AMD graphics cards are supported. This makes zooming and moving within the drawing area much smoother and faster.
  • Upward and downward compatibility with WSCAD SUITE 2018, WSCAD SUITE X and WSCAD SUITE X PLUS.
  • The new WSCAD ELECTRIX product Advanced (formerly Professional 40) is available. This product corresponds to a Professional, which is limited to a total of 40 plan pages (per discipline). The pages of the individual reports are not limited. All available Add-Ons can also be booked with it.
  • The performance when creating and editing terminal strips with a large number of terminals (> 50) has been improved.
  • The opening of pages that contain many connections has been accelerated.
  • The Consent to Data Collection is now confirmed when creating the WSCAD account (SSO). Consequently, all references to the consent form have been removed from WSCAD ELECTRIX 2021.
  • In the Project Explorer, the project-specific configuration can now be switched on or off for several selected projects via the new context menu command Project-specific configuration.
  • If the project-specific configuration is switched off in the project properties, a user-defined path specified in the export dialog is reset to the default.
  • The search-and-replace function is executed correctly even in multilingual texts.
  • A locally borrowed license that has expired blocks access to the server license and thus the start of the WSCAD software via the network. In this case, the container with the expired license can be deleted in the starter dialog via the Delete button, which is only displayed in such cases.
  • If a symbol is selected via Change | Lock material list or Change | Lock numbering, the lock is also applied to the associated symbols of the other disciplines, and the symbols are not included in the material list or are excluded from the numbering.
  • If you click on one of the fields for manufacturer, customer, building site and architect in the wizard under Preview and properties when creating a project and then on the button Transfer data from database, the address database is opened and the data can be selected and correctly taken over.
  • Within project groups, further project groups with the same name can be created (e.g., Customer A | 2021 and Customer B | 2021). However, project names must be unique and cannot be the same as a group name.
  • Projects whose project language differs from the program language can be copied and renamed correctly.
  • The context menu command Edit project texts of the page can be used to correctly change the self-defined project texts of the page that were created under Tools | Settings (options) | Project | Defaults.
  • In the case of a black box or component box, the setting of multiple pins at the same location is prevented.
  • The menu item Insert |Structure area is grayed out as long as no plan page is open.
  • If a network path is specified in the WSCAD settings for the backup copy, it will be correctly taken over when creating the project backup, including the two required backslashes at the beginning of the path.

Design Engine

In WSCAD ELECTRIX 2021, the Design Engine has been completely revised. This is the program unit responsible for the layout and construction of the plan pages. This results in many minor and major changes when placing and moving objects and scrolling through documents. In addition, the entire design process has been accelerated and improved.


  • Control loops are represented with action lines (from the mounting location of the measurement up to the actuator).
  • Connection attributes and connection attribute texts are moved correctly, even if they are not switched to visible.
  • When activating and deactivating the Set lock for automatic wire name function in the properties dialog of the connection attributes, the position of the connection attribute texts is preserved, even if they were moved before.
  • With the context menu command Align to grid of the symbol, the medium connection lines associated with the symbol are also aligned correctly with the grid.
  • When you insert a cable with the Cable Manager switched off, the color code of the stored part is displayed correctly in the plan.
  • In general text, free text and block text, line breaks are set correctly even if a non-proportional font (monospaced) is used. Line breaks can also be set correctly with /a and /n.
  • Undocked windows that are displayed on a second screen in full-screen mode (e.g., the preview) are retained after restarting the WSCAD software in full-screen mode. If the second screen is switched off, the windows are displayed again on the first screen.
  • If the symbols on the plan page are listed in a legend, the legend is automatically updated immediately when symbols are deleted from the plan.

Structure identifiers

  • Copying elements with multiple aspects to another project where other aspects are switched to available works correctly.
  • If you change the display mode of the structure identifiers in the properties dialog of a symbol under View, the structure identifiers that are not activated are correctly hidden.
  • All 4 aspects of the structure identifier are displayed correctly in the structure area.
  • The input of “\n” as line break in the structure identifiers is evaluated correctly and displayed correctly at the elements.
  • When you cut and paste a structure area with elements, the Ref. name texts of the contained elements are displayed within the pasted structure area, and the aspects of the structure area are correctly applied to the elements.

Copy & Paste

  • Copying a closed project works correctly.
  • If pages are copied into a project where the entry Sheet Name #1 is selected under Tools | Settings (options) | Numbering | Reference | Type of Numbering, the ref. names of the newly inserted pages will contain the correct sheet numbers.

Explorers & editors

  • Changes within the template, symbol and macro directories with the Windows Explorer are correctly displayed in the explorers after restarting the WSCAD software.
  • If you change the part of a symbol in the Material Explorer and the content of an additional text in the subsequently opened part management, the additional text is correctly transferred to the symbol.
  • When cables are imported in the Material Explorer via the Import external material data function, the color code is also loaded correctly for each last wire of a cable.
  • In the Symbol Editor, the cross-references on a symbol can be correctly switched from “multi-column” to “multi-line” and vice versa.
  • If you load a placed CE symbol into the Symbol Editor and add more pins (or remove pins), the changes are immediately applied to the central database and correctly displayed on the CE page, just like when you make changes with the Pin Editor.
  • If you add a channel group to a newly created PLC parent element in the Symbol Editor, it is possible to select a template for the channel group without errors.
  • When a macro is loaded for editing in the Macro Editor, the elements of the macro can still be locked for the material list in the Quick Editor.

Managers and Browsers

  • If you place an element with additional parts via the Manager, the additional parts are correctly displayed in the properties dialog of the element.
  • In the Terminal Manager browser, the changed order of the columns is saved correctly.
  • If you first define a sequence for distributed terminals in the Terminal Manager browser and then convert the distributed terminals to multi-level terminals, the previously defined sequence of terminals is still displayed but is no longer taken into account.
  • In the Terminal Manager browser, both existing wire bridges and changes to the wire bridges are displayed correctly.
  • In the Terminal Manager browser, a part can be copied with CTRL+C and pasted into another terminal with CTRL+V even for distributed terminals.
  • If you copy a cable with a cable shield while the cable management is activated, the Cable Manager will open correctly after the copied cable has been placed.
  • If you swap two already placed cables in the tree view of the Cable Manager, the swap is immediately displayed correctly in the tree view.
  • After executing the Restore combs function in the Contactor Manager, all combs that have been switched to visible remain visible and all combs that have been switched to invisible remain invisible.
  • The column settings (e.g., width) in the PLC Manager browser are saved when the dialog is closed.
  • If you create a PLC child element with the Configuration for PLC Inputs and Outputs dialog and assign the channels with the PLC Manager, the Symbol text column contains the correct entries.
  • In the Circuit and Distributor Manager, renaming and deleting circuits work correctly. After the schematics have been successfully generated, the info links contained in the macros are displayed correctly.

Lists and charts

  • If the Part data from database check box is activated when generating the material list, the data of the specified additional parts is also transferred to the list.
  • The cable type is evaluated correctly in the cable list.
  • Cables used in multiple disciplines are correctly output in the cable list, depending on the technology selection settings in the Generate dialog.
  • Part data from connection attributes are displayed correctly in the reports for the associated connections.
  • The wire lengths of connections that end at plugs or sockets are output correctly in the wiring diagram.
  • When a project is copied, the file path for the list output to Excel is adapted to the new working directory.
  • If you copy a section with several subprojects, the description of the subproject is output correctly when exporting the function list to Excel.
  • Wiring charts with the option Also output parallel connections are created correctly.
  • The placeholders for the revision versions are filled correctly in the “Cover sheet” report.
  • If the text content of a table placeholder in the reports is longer than the frame of the placeholder, the text will be truncated correctly.

Import & export

  • The integration of DXF/DWG files has been completely revised. An import with subsequent conversion is no longer necessary. When creating a new project page, you can reference a DXF/DWG file directly in the Project page(s) dialog with the Based on the DWG page check box. A copy of the DXF/DWG file is automatically saved in the project directory Graphics. The content of this copy is displayed on the project page and can be edited there (e.g., moving or deleting objects).
    Note: If you replace the copy with another file with the same file name, the contents of that file will be displayed in the project page.
  • When outputting files, the new path variables <ProjectPath>, <DateYYYYYMMDD> and <TimeHHMMSS> can be used in the directory path and file name.
  • Terminal charts in the form of Excel lists that were created in EDZ format can be imported using the Material Explorer.
  • When importing a terminal chart via the Material Explorer, the terminal numbers are displayed correctly sorted.
  • If you place an imported graphic in the background, all medium connection lines remain visible in the foreground, even during PDF export.
  • Imported and mirrored or rotated images can be moved correctly. The export to PDF also works correctly.
  • On resizing an imported PDF file using the Change context menu, the PDF file is displayed correctly before and after the change.
  • The display of rotated texts has been improved for the DXF/DWG export.
  • The size of a hole in a mounting plate is output correctly in a DWG file.
  • When exporting to PDF, the colors of the individual layers and the color override for layers are displayed correctly for general text, free style text and text boxes. Free style text is no longer overridden by an active color override for general text.
  • If you select a different destination path when exporting to PDF, the previously specified file name is retained.
  • With the PDF Multiple export, the languages set in the dialog are saved on closing the dialog.
  • The import of WMF files via Insert | Graphic | Image works correctly.

Part management

  • In the Combined element dialog, you can enter the characters + and – from the keyboard block in the Part field without increasing or decreasing the number of the additional part. However, if you enter + and – from the numeric keypad, the number of additional parts is increased or decreased.
  • Parts imported from are correctly displayed in the shopping cart of the WSCAD software after closing
  • When importing a WSCAD parts database, the filters are applied correctly, and all filtered parts are imported with CTRL+A.
  • The import of parts into a newly created SQL part database works correctly.
  • If you filter for parts in an SQL part database and then select the filtered parts with CTRL+A and delete them, only these parts will be deleted.
  • An SQL Express database can be successfully imported into an existing WSCAD part database (MDB or SQL).

Revision management

  • When Revision Management is activated, pages that have not been enabled for modification are correctly not given the change status.

Settings (Options)

  • On exiting the Settings dialog (Tools | Settings (options)), the settings in the tree view are saved and displayed again the next time it is opened.
  • If you add another foreign language under Tools | Settings (options) | Language | View and only want to display the texts in the symbols in the foreign language, the other texts (such as the texts in the frame) will remain in the set project language.
  • With the new check box Hide extensions with an underscore, e.g. for additional parts (-F1_1 becomes -F1) under Tools | Settings (options) | View, the extensions with an underscore are hidden for all elements (e.g., even for additional parts).
  • If the 3D overlay points for cabinet elements are defined via the Tools | Cabinet | 3D overlay points function, these settings are correctly displayed in the properties dialog of the elements under Cabinet Component 3D.
  • Under Tools | Settings (options) | View | Colors elements you can correctly create and select custom colors.


Phoenix Contact interface

  • The export of a terminal strip from the Terminal Manager to Phoenix PROJECT complete works correctly.
  • During the Phoenix PROJECT complete planning export, the Ref. names of the terminal strips are also transferred to the Phoenix tool and displayed there. In addition, the DIN rails and the terminal strips placed there as well as the levels of the multi-level terminals are output correctly.
  • During the Phoenix PROJECT complete planning import, the terminal position numbers (TPN) of multi-level terminals are transferred correctly.
  • If the Replace wire jumpers with plug-in jumpers check box is selected for the Phoenix PROJECT complete planning export, the plug-in jumpers are correctly displayed in the plan after the subsequent re-import.
  • During the Phoenix PROJECT complete marking export, all output fields copied from the Cable chart placeholder list are exported correctly.
  • During the the Phoenix PROJECT complete marking export, the aspects defined as output fields are exported correctly.
  • The Phoenix PROJECT complete marking templates (*.wsPKL) have been moved from the WSCAD directory \Templates\Phoenix to \Settings\Phoenix Contact.

Other interfaces

  • For the calculation of the control cabinet air conditioning with the software ProClima from the company Schneider Electric, the entry Schneider Electric | ProClima has been added to the main menu Interface.
  • For the Siemens TIA interface, the import of PLC elements that are composed of several elements, such as a Head Unit and a Base Unit, has been extended. The current TIA file format V1.2.0 is also supported. This enables users to use the new format definitions when importing into the WSCAD software. When exporting from the WSCAD software, the old formats (V1.0.0/V1.1.0) and the new format can be selected.
  • The entry Weidmüller Rail Designer was removed from the Export menu of the Terminal Manager and also from the Output to list in the Terminal charts configuration dialog because the program no longer exists.
  • All rotated elements are output correctly via Interfaces | Production | Steinhauer PWA.


  • For the PLM interface PRO.FILE, the entry Export PDF multilingual has been introduced in the Save to PRO.FILE dialog. The gearwheel symbol opens the PDF Export wizard. This saves the project (or just individual documents) for each selected language in a separate PDF file and transfers it to PRO.FILE.
  • When saving a WSCAD project to PRO.FILE, the project metadata is also transferred to the DXF and PDF document types.
  • Under Tools | Settings (options) | PRO.FILE | Document attributes, self-created, project-specific user attributes can be assigned to the PRO.FILE document attributes.
  • If no values are entered in the WSCAD settings for the document attributes and the part attributes, it is still possible to save to PRO.FILE.
  • When a project with PRO.FILE-IDs is copied, the PRO.FILE-IDs are deleted in the copy. The IDs are only assigned after being saved to PRO.FILE for the first time.

CE module (Cabinet Engineering)

  • If a contact of a contactor is placed on another free contact of the contactor in the Contactor Manager, the changes are correctly displayed on the cabinet page after routing.
  • Duplicated elements can be placed directly on the cabinet door. The mounting support does not prevent this.
  • If a cable duct is placed on the corner of a mounting plate and its position and that of the parent (mounting plate) are set accordingly in the properties dialog of the cable duct in the Cabinet Component menu item, the distance to the zero point is calculated correctly with 0 mm.

BA module (Building Automation)

  • 300 revised and new macros for building automation (e.g., cooling technology) are also supplied.
  • The new, revised VDI 3814 is already supported. Here, the function lists of VDI 3814 and 3813 have been combined into one function list. This new function list is already included in the WSCAD software.
  • The data point management has been adapted. Properties (e.g., BACnet) can now be conveniently specified for each data point.
  • Extension of the BA part database with new fields for the communication profile. These fields can be evaluated in the new function list.
  • New radio buttons and new columns have been created in the BA Data Points dialog and in the Data Point Browser. In addition, there are placeholders for the new fields for the material list and the function list.
  • The placeholders Signal classification, Explanation and BA object name have been added for the function lists.
  • In the BA data points dialog, the column settings for visibility, sequence and size are saved on exiting the dialog.
  • The setting for the Database connection check box in the BA data points dialog of a BA symbol is adopted for all BA symbols copied from this element.
  • The data point key plugin BKS_Open has been extended. In the Project management list, it is now also possible to select additional information that was defined under the project defaults for document folders and pages. This means that more project, document folder and page information can now be used for the automated creation of the data point key.
  • The data point key plugins for symbol texts in the data point key have been improved.
  • If you use a page macro with multiple copied elements on different BA pages, unique data point GUIDs are generated for them.
  • The order of the cables, as they are arranged in the BA symbol, is retained after executing the wizard for numbering the references (including the cables).
  • In the properties dialog of a BA element, in the menu item Cable, the table columns can be shown and hidden.

EI module (Electrical Installation)

  • 50 new macros according to RAL-RG 678 for electrical installation are also supplied. With these established standard macros, installation plans can be created much faster.
  • With the function Tools | Check | All faulty or missing connection points of EI laying systems are displayed in the error list.
  • Symbols on an EI page can be enlarged to a maximum factor of 1.9E+10 and placed correctly. The minimum factor is 1E-3 (0.001).
  • The function Set frames also works on EI pages.
  • If laying systems that are located in the same installation zone intersect, the connection points are displayed correctly. No connection points are displayed for intersecting laying systems in different installation zones.
  • If you change the number of the first EI page and then insert a new page, it will be inserted correctly with number 1.
  • Copying and pasting a grid ceiling works correctly.
  • If the walls of a room are automatically connected on an EI page, the room is also displayed as closed in the 3D representation.

Add-On Project Wizard

  • In the dialog Macro variable: Insert values (accessible via the context menu command Current grouped values of a macro in the Project Wizard) the values of the channel addresses can be deleted correctly.
  • If multiple macros containing the same PLC channel variables are used in the Project Wizard, only different data points can be assigned to the same PLC channel variables via the macro context menu command Current grouped values.
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